Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 group buy @ $38.99, now started. ( currently @ $36.49, no coupon needed)



The “I confirm” names from 2 to 8, have 24 hours from now to make the order, or until April 22, 5pm HK time. They should post their order number within this time span. Those who does not will not qualify for the giveaway. Thanks.

I’ve decided to hold off on this. Thanks anyway for your efforts.

2. itsonlyme
3. Nguyen
4. p5bdkw
7. dekelsey61
The following names are requested to post their order number not later than tomorrow, 5pm Shenzen time (about 18 hours from now) in order to qualify for the giveaway.




update: April 22, 5am: Cut-off of all submitted order numbers will be this afternoon at 5pm. Shenzen time, and drawing of winners will be done sometime later.




The submission of early bird order numbers is now closed. Winners to be announced later. Thanks!

The Early Bird entries are:

1. mrsnrub
2. RollerBoySE
3. Nguyen
4. Yanix
5. p5bdkw
6. dekelsey61
7. PeterWebtrax

And the results are:

Congratulations to Nguyen and mrsnrub !

To the two winners, please choose your prize ( ANY one cell only, not in pairs) between the two links below:

http://www.gearbest.com/keeppower~~\_gear/ OR http://www.gearbest.com/nitecore-rechargeable-battery~~\_gear/

Then send a pm to *Gearbest *of the link of the product of your choice to below: (please do so within 7 days)


Thanks and till the next group buy, folks!

Thank you tatasal


Thanks tatasal. PM sent :slight_smile:

PM replied to.

“Generally the peak charge and discharge current for LiIon are a bit high ….
for normal charging I will still prefer a charger with non-pulsing CC/CV charging.”
— HKJ’s latest review

Any hope if we wait that those problems will be improved?

Has the new charger ability to switch to 4.35V without opening it?

No, but if your are a bit proficient in using a screw-driver, it is just about a 4-minute job.

Is this Group buying valid for Italy too?