Update June 11 — limited-time promo: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers/pp_174044.html
*Update April 21…Gearbest has decided to give the go signal to start this gb as the intended number of participants coming from the other gbs in the other fora around the world has already been met.
The gb coupon is OPUSBTGB.
The “I confirm” names from 2 to 8, have 24 hours from now to make the order, or until April 22, 5pm HK time. They should post their order number within this time span. Those who does not will not qualify for the giveaway. Thanks.
Here we go again guys,
Here is another invitation to the charger that currently has no direct comparison…the* Opus BT-C3100 series*, now the v2.2 is available.
The initial complaints from the earlier versions has already been corrected, (like the exaggerated “Charge” figures which was corrected by adding a resistor inside the charger therefore negating the need to change the original 3-amp PSU to a bigger PSU as originally thought), the very long 4.35v charging time (also corrected) and the noisy, flimsy cooling fan (also changed and improved), all these changes happening starting from the 2.0, then to the 2.1 production run from its initial run and improved DURING the production run up the current 2.1 version, changes quietly done without changing the version identification and delivered to the buyers.
This 4-bay, smart, analyzing charger can charge, discharge, refresh, etc. any chemistry cell, different modes and with different charge/discharge rates ALL AT THE SAME TIME, andpretty accurately, **I must re-emphasize.**This is lot more than just a straight charger, more like a hobby charger with built-in 4-bay cradles, and an invaluable tool to not just charge or discharge cells, but also to obtain the Discharge Capacity of your laptop pulls and even your brand-new cells to check if they are fake! Specially to the first timers to smart chargers, this is an excellent chance to own one hell of a useful charger.*More that a thousand units of the v2.1 has already been sold and with excellent reliability record!
HKJ’s review of the v2.1: Review of Charger Opus BT-C3100 V2.1
So in effect, why bother changing an already high-performing product at a very reasonable price when doing so might only increase its cost and selling price?
That’s why this v2.2 has, according to Henry Xu, the chief engineer of Opus, when I asked him about the difference between the 2.1 and 2.2:
Hi, Tata.
The difference is very minor:
1. press “display”button for 5s can turn on back light permanently. Press another 5s to resume normal 30s time out off function.
2. Refresh mode show “discharge” capacity instead of “charge” capacity.
These are the only change comparing to v2.1.
Ok, the rules and features of this are:
1. At least twenty units in the “I confirm” list will activate this gb price.
2. Post “I confirm” to be listed.
3. Shipping/tracking included.
4. As an appetizer to the early birds, the first 20 in the list will get their codes through pm first, and for the first 24 hours they will be given the chance to order the item, after 24 hours the code is publicly posted. To the first twenty to post their v2.2 order number in this thread, two lucky ones will be randomly selected to choose one prize each (btw, one battery only, not the pair, is allowed):
http://www.gearbest.com/keeppower~~\_gear/ OR http://www.gearbest.com/nitecore-rechargeable-battery~~\_gear/
The 2 winners picked at random will then choose at either link above. (although the cell chosen might not be in stock at the moment, I must warn)
Thanks and have fun! Update will be made from time-to-time as necessary.