New XP-L High Intensity Emitter

OUCH! (on more than one front)

I spashed solder into my eye. But of course I didn’t stop there. I got the 12 XP-L H1 in place and it was acting odd. Holding the button down for Turbo it’d ramp up then shut off. The 35A cells are at 4.15V. I tried again. A double click for Hi and it’s really bright. From there I held the button down and it went to Turbo. Stupid bright! How about 7141 lumens on Hi, 11,902.5 on Turbo, with the cells still at 4.15V.

The M43 Meteor, at 11,900 lumens. OUCH!

High level one does 1735.5 lumens. That Turbo is ridiculous!

Edit: Start up does just over 12,000 lumens. I attempted a 30 second run and at 20 seconds it was getting really hot, making 10,381 lumens. Wow. Ok, I’m impressed!

Crazy but amazing
Well made
This is a lumen monster in s small size
or a heater.

Regards Xandre

Well, this little guy just arrived…

Tell us more.

Nothing too exciting unfortunately, I only have the one, not 12 like Dale!!

But the plan is to put it in an XinTD C8 along with an LD-2 driver at 6A.

Waiting for the drivers to arrive now.

Thanks LSX. Did you get it from the States?

Nope, it was one of the sample emitters that Hank received.


What are candela results if we compare them to classic de domed one?

Ooooo, please post the results and maybe a beamshot or two after. I love XinTD C8s, cant wait to see what it does with that in it.

Dale’s wife hasn’t seen that bill, one of the reasons I got the cheaper M34 then swapped emitters, to hide the total cost a bit. :bigsmile:

In the Meteor, it does 57.5Kcd. This is of course with a dozen of em. Not sure how one would act in a reflectored light.

They sure are slick looking, with the neat uniform covering of silicone that protects the bond wires. Like that. Like it a lot. The 12 I got were in a tape, made for these emitters. looked pretty awesome, even if the bill for em is slightly less exciting.

I’d have guessed the bill for them is very exciting, just not in a good way! :open_mouth:

I heard EagleTac is releasing some updated lights with XPL HD.

Nope it is the HI not HD, they got some "very limited quantity" as they say (XP-L HI V2). In these days such claims are redundant, quickly others will have the same LED for sale, Olight already uses it.

Thanks for correcting me, HikeLite. I too agree there will soon be plenty lights with this new emitter. It is just not soon enough for me. :smiley:

Is this new XP-L with no dome considered to be an HI or H1? My paperwork on the 12 I got says H1… H One, not H “Eye”

Does anyone know what the proper terminology is? It’s not actually de-domed, but maybe domeless? Flat? Slim? Toned? :wink:

Edit: Cree’s Official Word

XLamp XP-L High Intensity
Industry’s First High-Intensity LED

The XLamp® XP-L High-Intensity LED is the first of Cree’s new class of High-Intensity LEDs optimized to deliver maximum candela through secondary optics. The XP-L High-Intensity LED is the first single-die LED to deliver over 100,000 cd in a 4-degree beam with a 50-mm diameter optic at 10 W. Built on Cree’s breakthrough SC5 Technology™ Platform, the XP-L High-Intensity LED delivers more than double the candelas of the industry’s previous highest-performing single-die XP-L LED through the same optic. The new high-intensity LED offers a drop-in ready upgrade for XP-based luminaire designs, enabling manufacturers to achieve higher luminous intensity with minimal redesign to accelerate time to market.

Edit II: They are calling the High Density variant the XP-L HD and this domeless High Intensity variant the HI, for some reason the code reads H1

this is what I bought from Mouser…

Mfr. #: XPLAWT-H1-0000-000BU50E2
Desc.: High Power LEDs - WhiteWhite, 5700K, 70CRI 360lm at 85C

Yeah Cree says “High Intensity” and many of us have been abbreviating it “HI” ourselves. All of the offical product numbers that I have seen have the H in it though.

XP-L High Density (the XP-L that used to be called only XP-L and it has a dome with 4 vertical cuts on the sides)

XP-L High Intensity (the new flat domeless XP-L emitter)


H means High Intensity

If it would be 0 instead of H then it would be High Density

BTW: these are official specifications from the datasheets. Also that code is an "Order Code" and it's for a U5 bin, from the E2 group (3B 3C 3A 3D), it is not an actually "Bin Code" where you know the exact tint.

I’m not flat! Just a late bloomer!

If you must, I’d prefer slim.

Good to know, H1 it is.

Again that H1 is only for the Order Code (which Mouser's special way of not telling you exact what tint you get), what all other sellers will have is a Bin Code not and Order Code, there will be no H1, only a H since that is an internal code.

H = High Intensity, 0 = High Density.

Whats H0 then?
