New XP-L High Intensity Emitter

I’m not flat! Just a late bloomer!

If you must, I’d prefer slim.

Good to know, H1 it is.

Again that H1 is only for the Order Code (which Mouser's special way of not telling you exact what tint you get), what all other sellers will have is a Bin Code not and Order Code, there will be no H1, only a H since that is an internal code.

H = High Intensity, 0 = High Density.

Whats H0 then?


Part of Xmas


Xpl white- high intensity, the 0 is an internal code, as is the 0000-000.
The B is 70 cri Min, V2 is luminous flux group and the last 3 are the chromaticity group

Thanks itsonlyme. Then what does the H before the 0 represent?

What matters is the “H” in “XPLAWT-H”…

XPLAWT-0…. is HD

The B is for Bodacious and when you see HS together it’s for HolySh#t!

In other Cree LED’s (don’t remember which data sheet I saw it on) the 0 or 1 in that position means either ‘standard’ or ‘non standard’ order qty. But for all intents and purposes that we should be concerned about, it is meaningless.

How’s your eye Dale? You should wear safety goggles, seriously. I had some solder splashing into my face, that’s when I bought some safety goggles.

Thanks for asking chouster, it’s ok. Hasn’t bothered me at all today so I reckon I got lucky. Beats the heck out of a metal shaving, for sure. :wink:

About to head out in a little while and get new beam shots of the M43, with the ND filter turned off. :wink: Perhaps a comparative shot from the BTU Shocker with 3 of the 9V MT-G2 emitters? It puts out around 10,000 lumens.

I’ll get all the cells for both charged up so it’s a reliably fair comparison. :slight_smile: And yes, I’ll take the lens cover off…

Really looking forward to those beamshots. About that ND-filter, is that something you forgot recently? I guess the cam you’re using has a ND-filter built in…

I’m considering building a X6 3up XP-L HI once they become available over here. Should make a decent beam, right?

Yes, and yes. Last night I shot a sunset with the G1X and was trying some different settings for different effects. I turned on the 3 stop ND filter and forgot to turn it off. So the beam shots I took last night of the Meteor were 3 stops underexposed as compared to my usual settings…the settings were all the same, but the filter effectively put dark sunglasses over the lens.

Yes, these emitters should make a very nice X6 triple or quad. The CUTE-4 optics from Ledil, polished to a clear surface finish, should do exceptional with these in the X6. :wink:

Anybody test the throw on these yet? My D01 with a de-domed XPL V5 1A used to do 301,000cd, so I re-flowed a XPL HI 5700K on to the same star and only manage to get 279,000cd. But that’s o.k. with me, because as I tested the de-domed V5 for the last time, a piece of crap fell onto the emitter, started smoking, and scorched a nice black spot into it? Go figure? Well that will not happen with these H1’s, NOT any more!! No more chipping the phosphorus off from misplaced centering rings or reflectors that pop up and land on the emitter surface or stuff that magically appears and lands on it!!! I’ll gladly give up a bit of throw for a lot less frigging head aches and a way better tint!!! I wonder if these can take 7+ amps? 8)

Only six five three one triple left in stock @ Mtn...


High intensity according to the data sheet

Wait, what’s this? Dedome option for $8.00? Seriously?

I’m sure it’s just an error. Copied over from the normal triple XP-L. Just pm RMM to let him know.