(Ended) winner(s) not quite announced A Hershey (or Dairy Milk) giveaway!

There are pounds of the stuff, less than 2mi. away.

Hopefully no one will go through my posts and find out. :smiley:


Interested enough to go through this post-count mess!

But this would be fun to count up.

Just thought the same thing… and cross posted.

Good, Old-World Chocolate, …

Im not counting, are you?

No fair quoting for content!!

It’s a way to pass the time.

… each and every one of you guys!

Fruit and nut for content!

The Most Dangerous Part…

Of An Automobile…

Is The One Loose Nut…

That Holds The Wheel!


The things we do for CHOCOLATE!!!

(No fruits and nuts, please — we have plenty of those already!)

Hershey’s is not a good chocolate, little kids won’t complain, but an adult probably won’t buy a second bar, and may not finish the first one.