AA Deal of the Day

…. Zane Grey

Since ZANE is not that common of a NAME,I wonder if it is the ZANE who no longer REMAINS with Fenix outfitters!!! :smiley:

I just bought the M23 off of them today……………will be my second stock light[M3X] in my 13 torch rotation!!

^I was about to say that. Oh, and you forgot that one hit wonder rapper “Lil Zane.” But yeah, the usual response to someone hearing my name is “I met a Zane once!” as if they’re telling me they saw a unicorn. So um yeah, this mythical creature is here to provide you with insight into the magical world of spiffy flashlight sales or something!!!

And Adam from the other end of the alphabet, you’re gonna have to do way better than that if you want free stuff :bigsmile: .

Oops, that arrow was meant for Saypat’s comment. @Wolfdog1226, Nope, not the same Zane. This is my first flashlight oriented job….
The plot unthickens…. :cowboy_hat_face:

Zane must be the most zany name ever…

It’s That time again…
Daily Deals for the next week. Only at www.andrew-amanda.com!

Nitecore EC4S!!! Please!

Yeah, Nitecore still hasn’t released it to us. I believe the ETA should be a little under a month. Not entirely sure.

Great price on the EC4!! Best I’ve seen so far.

Question,I bought the M23 from you guys. Olight on CPF said they will be shipped to the dealers in USA on Friday July 10th,could you give an estimate as to when they will be shipped to the customer?

I asked this question when I ordered [July 8th] and have not heard back.


if this is the mtg2 version I am definitely interested as well.

I thought you retired?!! lol!!

I am following in your footsteps[downsizing] but just not to the degree as you,you probably had 3 or 4 times as many lights as me!,I had 40 something!

the ec4s was on my list before I decided to downsize :slight_smile:

downsizing, simplifying! not retiring from lights, but retiring from lumen testing! haha.

I will buy a few lights here and there. I was up close to 100, but now I am around 18-20. I could probably get down to 5 or 10, but I dont see the need to right now.

Will keep an eye out for the ec4s though

Sorry for the delayed response. We should get the Olight M23 in this week and have it shipped out no later than Friday. I’ll be sure and send you a message or post in this thread the second they arrive. For the EC4S as well.

Thank you very much,ZANE! 8)

I know Justin,I was just busting your shoes!

If I were you I would have said,Wolfdog/Capolini…………PIPE DOWN and take some memory medicine! :smiley:

No problem Mr. Dog, or should I call you by your real name now that I have discovered it?!

Would it be Dr. Dog? :wink:


no…no…no!!! Real names don’t belong on the internet! “Capo” has connections in the underworld,LA COSA NOSTRA!..…He does not want my name exposed! :wink:

With as many lights as you have, I bet Bilderberg is watching you right now… :davie: