Exploration photos with my flashlights

Sweden. It’s a few hours drive (depending on how fast you drive) from Stockholm.

Amazing. My kind of exploration

Caving all alone? Ever seen 127 hours? Hope you did not descend on that rope, just used it to go back to the entrance of the cave.

Those pics are very nice!

You were solo…so how did you take the pics? Do you have some remote switch setup?

No, the guy in the photo was also solo...so they were both solo....

Very cool. Thank you so much for sharing. You're one brave (maybe a bit crazy) dude.

Yeah, seen it. Of coarse I prefer company, but I have never let being without stop me. There will always be people to do things solo, be it climbing, sailing cross Atlantic, rowing the Tasman sea… You can see it another way, if I screw up the rigging I won’t be killing anyone else.

Why wouldn’t I? It’s a 9mm static caving rope designed for SRT usage. Why wouldn’t I use the rope for what it’s designed for?

Thanks. This is the remote I use: http://www.pixelhk.com/Proshow.aspx?id=299 Much better than the last one I had which was IR (had to point the remote at the camera). Got a light weight tripod with me for the camera.

Most people go with crazy… But I’m no noob and take extreme care when rigging. 60 meters down I got the slightest contact point of rubbing on the rope and I was heading back up, but found a way to make a re-belay and sacrificed my gloves to protect the rope. None would have really been needed, but everything that can be done to protect the rope I do for piece of mind.

Are there used anchor points or are you the first hammering the bolts in the rock? Do you not use a second static rope for backup ? Are you using an ascender or do you “freeclimb”?
Well you seem to know what you’re doing so keep it up. Pictures look brilliant btw.

Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

I used trees at the top with a bunch of rope protectors until the rope was hanging free. The rubbing point I solved by making a very tight re-belay on thick metal installations from when the mine was active. Of coarse these things can’t be trusted so the re-belay was very tight, making minimal drop if it should have failed.

No backup. SRT (Single Rope Technique) is all about using the single rope to get the furthest. I have used backups before, but in this case it really was not practical.

Ascenders. I use the so called “frog rig”. Here’s a little info on it: http://caves.org/section/vertical/nh/46/srt.html

Thanks! Will do. I know my limits and wouldn’t go deeper without buddies. This was more of a peek to see what it looks like down there… Now I know, and my photos immediately grabbed the attention of my other buddies and got them all on board :slight_smile:

Will post a few every now and then… only ones where flashlights have been used for lighting of coarse :slight_smile:

Added a short video clip from helmet cam to the OP.

How long will it be do you think before the Chinese are using these pictures along side an SK68 with the words ‘AA’ and ‘2000 lumens’ in the product description?

Marc :wink:

Really awesome, there is nothing like the human figure as a size reference when taking photos in such huge places.

Thanks for sharing. Not being a climber I understand gravity gives you a easy trip down but what about going up?

The photos are very nice and I like your adventurous spirit! I say keep’em coming!

amazing pics.
makes me want to go do that type of stuff now!

Great video and pics man. Looks like a real adventure!

Thanks for the comments all :slight_smile:

What goes down must come up… Rope climbing 120 meters is tiring, but because the ascenders lock you just have to stop to rest. Look at about 3 min into this video, it’s the technique I use for ascending ropes with the exception that I use two hand held ascenders instead of one, and mine have handles on them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SpQ1AC0Ikw

Awesome… I wish I could put my lights to use like this.