I post photos from my explorations every now and then on other sites and thought maybe someone here might like them too, so I’ll post some here every now and then (only the flashlight illuminated ones of course).
Update 25th April, 2018
I finally got to see the end of the tunnel above an ice fall in the same abandoned mine as the photos below. After ice climbing we armed ourselves with wading pants and trudged on in through the muck roughly 1 km before it came to and end.
A little video clip I put together shows whats involved to get to the tunnel entrance.
Update 10th April, 2018
No new photos, just added a few I have posted in other threads before.
Update 2nd March, 2018
Last Saturday I went down into my favorite abandoned mine again. The objective was to climb an ice fall up to a long tunnel I have not been to the end to, but the ice hadn’t formed thick enough to climb safely so we spent some time looking for photos. I found a few, and these two are the best. In the first photo I used three different lights, the second photo I used one. All lights used are 5000K MT-G2 lights.
The ice fall is forming nicely though, water is running and it’s cold down there, so we’ll return maybe next week. Should be good to go by then.
Update 03/27/2017
The objective with yesterdays mine excursion was to catch a photo I’ve had on my mind for a while. Not totally satisfied, but it’s a lot of work for a photo so another attempt will have to wait.
Update 02/20/2017
The abandoned mine in the two photos below is water filled from about 60 meters depth. In the winter it freezes so I just had to try this:
Update 02/19/2017
Two newer ones… Both with my BMF SRK (Supfire M6 with 3 x MT-G2):
OP from 07/29/2015:
My girlfriend was away and my usual exploration buddy was busy, so I went on a solo trip down into an abandoned mine I’ve had my eye on for a while. 160 meters of rope didn’t get me anywhere near the bottom, but was enough to see what was down there being alone and all. I didn’t get my triple XHP70 or triple XPL-His ready for this trip. I’ll be back, armed with more lights, more rope and a few buddies…
I used MT-G2s for these photos, my M6 triple helped back-light me a little while I held my ZY-T08. The MT-G2s blended in nicely with the daylight on the first picture, but on the second I’d have liked a little cooler. I’m anxious to try out my triple XHP70 down here when it’s done.
I had a helmet cam on me, so I put together a short clip together. The camera is pretty crap in dark places and lights didn’t help due to the mist.
I put it on youtube also, but is blocked on mobile devices because of the music: http://youtu.be/X7CYayyw3LQ
Older posts
Two oldies but goldies:
Post from 09/12/2015 (abandoned underground factory):