Windows 10 discuss - Now with Screen Shots


Yep, this is definitely a much bigger issue than the interface changes. That’s the main reason why I don’t use Windows (or OSX due to similarly creepy privacy violations). Linux on the desktop definitely isn’t perfect, but at least it’s created by a group of the few remaining people that actually still care about privacy, and it’s not controlled by corporate interests.

As for downgrading from Windows 10, looks like you’ll need to jump on it pretty quickly:

If you need more time to decide whether 10 is good, bad or ugly, you can either backup the entire HD or run the Easy Transfer wizard and save your profile and documents. Then you can either restore the HD image or reinstall the original OS and transfer your profile back.


I have a couple test machines I am installing it on… i was hoping there would be no metro interface side of it… I did get the “Something happened” error just downloading it as an ISO… is that the new MS Windows error to expect?! lol.

I have bad feelings about all of this.

I sometimes have to go back to windows in order to use automotive diagnostic software. It drives me insane still.

Fired up a windows 7 machine recently, which hadn’t been used for some time, and it spent a good 20 minutes installing updates before I could use it.

For everything else, I use Linux Mint. Clean, simple, fast and effective. Oh, and pretty easy too. If OL intends a full wipe and reinstall, I recommend at least trying this before going back to win7.

I installed Windows 10 and I freaking hate it!!!! Luckily I installed it on a new Hard Drive. That said, I put my old HD with Windows 7 back in, and I'm back to normal.

Also, my main OS is OSX Mavericks and Yosemite on my 3 Macs. Never thought I's say this because I've been a Windows user since the early 90's, the mac OS blows away Windows any day of the week

What flavor of Linux do you like? I`m considering Zorin.
People considering Linux might want to start here

I run straight-up Ubuntu at the moment, but possibly the best option for a new Windows refugee would be the Mate Edition of Ubuntu:

Or if you have any other preferences or special requirements there are a million (almost literally) other options, of which I have used most of them. :slight_smile:

But the thing is, at least the way I understand it, is that Windows will always check to see if it has a valid license, and after upgrading to Windows 10 your license gets marked in Microsoft’s database as having been upgraded to Windows 10 and they revoke it for prior versions (after the 1-month grace period.) So even if you restore a disk image, it will contact the MS license server and be rejected.

Or maybe I’m wrong?

I’m really glad you posted this O-L, and I’m glad for other’s opinions as well. I have been considering the upgrade, and now I definitely will leave it alone.

Well, it was obviously intentional. Windows 9 would have been the next good one, and they skipped that number entirely. J) I used to think the bad ones were accidents that just happened to come in a steady rhythm - apparently not!

I use Linux on all my machines at home. Ubuntu is installed in all the laptops and the desktop, and all of our phones are Android. At work, I have to use Windows. I actually kept Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop as a second OS for a while and liked using it. But, at work, they have Windows 7 Professional and it is a nightmare to use.

Probably the best advertisement for Linux I ever ran across was the old Win XP netbook. Those things had 8GB SSD’s and a fully updated Win XP SP3 install required significantly MORE than that! I converted netbooks for two different people who complained that their drives were full, they had no more personal files to delete to make space, and Windows was wanting to install more updates! Ubuntu, with all the apps installed that they could possibly need, left over half the drive for user files! :bigsmile:

Interesting perspective, how long have you been using OSX? I’ve always admired their hardware, but it always seemed a bit overpriced. My, ahem budget alternative is a Thinkpad T-series laptop running Ubuntu. Has all the good looks and pizazz of a Mac, good stability, extremely durable and well-designed hardware, at a pretty nice price.

Yep, Linux’s disk footprint is incredibly small compared to Windows. And that’s with drivers for practically all the supported hardware already pre-installed! Must be due to the use of shared libs, and general geekiness that prefers lean-‘n’-mean coding.

+1 I’d take a ThinkPad over just about anything else out there.

Ubuntu is one of the most “bloated” versions you can get, by the way. It amazes me that Microsoft is able to fill up so much space on a hard drive. What are they putting in there?

I've been using OSX since 2002 along with Windows. I love both for different reasons. So I installed Windows 10 with my legal RETAIL activation code from Windows 7 on a brand new HD, it told me my code was no good. That did it for me!. This is after the upgrade failed 5 times on my original Windows 7 install. I'm so fed up right now I want to explode like a bad 18650!!!

I don’t know about retail licenses, where you have to type in the actual product key to activate, but many OEMs use BIOS activation where the unique product key isn’t ever used when restoring from factory images. I also haven’t read anything that mentioned MS will deactivate the key on the OS being upgraded from and they never have in the past, though that’s not to say they can’t change their minds.


Irritating! Sounds like they only allow free upgrading, not fresh installs.