BLF Special Edition Lights - Master List

Now, if you could only get members to post some pictures of their BLF lights, that would be really nice! 8)

I would enjoy seeing some collections of these lights. Some of the longer-standing members of the forum could have quite a few of them. Wonder if anyone has a complete set?

Innovative Thread. Thanks for the effort.

I’m sorry, but what is already on the list?

The post above mine was deleted, so I’ll delete mine as well. They were referring to the SF-348

Ah, thanks, sorry for the confusion.

AA-z4 project .. Eastward YJ J09 "The Blf light that never happened " ...but did .


Thanks, this is awesome. So it kinda looks like this is where it all started - the first time BLF folks had an impact on the features of a light, even if it wasn’t officially recognized as such by the manufacturer. Cool bit of BLF history right here.

Just wanted to share a “family photo” of my BLF Special Edition lights. Anybody got any more collections to share?

Hey...that Starry Light looks familiar... ENJOY !

Very Nice Family !

Hey thanks! I am! :bigsmile:

What is the SS on the right?


That was my first question too. Looks nice! ;)

Thanks raccoon city. Yes, that’s the dual UV light that is awesome…and unfortunately rare. :confused:

Which CNQ light did you guys think it was? I’ve heard rumors of some BLF SE CNQ lights but never found any threads on them.

Looks like the A8 made it ok. Not gonna sell you my Saber 1A though. You’ll have to get that one from someone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it blasphemous as a tenured member to say that I don’t own a single BLF special edition light?

(Until my 348’s arrive, that is)

No, but it is that you haven’t entered a DIY contest yet. :wink:

:open_mouth: oops

If I ever have an idea I deem good enough to pursue, I’ll do that. But so far, I haven’t.

Yes, and its a very nice light. And I don’t blame you on the Saber. I’ll find somebody who wants to sell me one :slight_smile: