Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

I saw tons of TCP lights on displays at my HD and I doubt they are discounted. Prices on them weren't great either.


My Home Depot has plenty of the TCP bulbs. They are subsidized here in CT.
60W is 2.88 and the BR30 is 4.88

I installed IMGUR on my iphone, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to get the link to post it within the iphone app

Today my wife asked if I wanted to go for a ride to the Mall. When I hesitated she reminded me that there was a HD and Lowes across the street. :slight_smile:

She dropped me off at HD while she headed over to the mall. I went straight to the big Holiday flashlight section to see if I could get answers to some questions being asked here. While browsing, this guy starts talking to me about how good these flashlights are and how bright they are. He goes on about LED and what it might stand for. Luminous Extreme or something? This guy was old, older than me, but he was clearly excited about these lights. He went on to admit that he has a number and that he had a “fetish” or something about them. :smiley: That is how HE explained it. I guess he had nothing else to compare it too.
I told him that I got it too and there is actually a place for people like us, and I told him about BLF.
Maybe he’ll join.

Anyway, I showed him a couple of the deals I had just come across and led him over to this display.

This is a 28 piece drill and driver set for $2.83. 10 cents per drill and they are NOT junk!
He grabbed a few, I grabbed 5 and we parted

Here are some other deals at that store.

Holy crap! I just bought one of those to replace an older one of those with broken and missing bits! I got it for $9.97 or somewhere very near that. Only thing is it was in the new green and black coloring instead of the old dark blue and gold coloring.

Those kits are a very good deal (at retail price that is). Any other set of drill bits only costs more than that kit. I had an older kit in which most of the bits had broken, and I was looking for just some bits for sale, without a case or anything at all… no such thing exists (at HD), unless you buy the bits individually, and four bits would cost more than this kit. You can only get them with a case. And even the drill bits only in a case are more expensive than this drill/drive kit! So… I just got the same kit.

But today I saw an HDX drill bit set at a drill demo thing. I didn’t know Home Depot sells drill bits under their brand (HDX). I’ll look on their website to see how much that kit costs.

Well what do you know… there’s an HDX drill bit kit for $4.88. I think this is the one I saw in store but I am not 100% sure. If not then it is very similar.

Home Depot also has other HDX drill bit kits but they’re all discontinued.

Well… damn. I was looking for a drill bit kit for less than $10 but I couldn’t find one. The cheapest I found was the same kit that I had already. So I just got that… But then the next time we went to HD (today) I found a drill-bit only kit for $4.88! DOPE!!

Hopefully it can be returned. Luckily I didn’t cut the seal… but I did try to peel off the “Over 40% savings…” label.

I wish a local HD would have that $3 deal for those kits. I probably won’t find anything like that, so I’ll get the HDX drill bit kit for $4.88.
One nice thing about that HDX kit, according to the reviews, is that it has multiple bits of each of most of the sizes, so if one breaks, I’d probably have extras. And drill bits break so often, especially the small ones. :~

I can confirm that. I have two of those kits (one in the other house and rarely used). They’re a very good deal and the bits are decent… however… I have had some doubts. First, most of my regular bits (the golden colored ones) have broken (the kit is about 3 years old). I haven’t had much experience with any other drill bits so I do not know if these bits are poor or if they are decent and I was just pushing them too hard.
Second, I have had trouble with the spade bits. They seem to become dull very quickly. It took quite a long time and quite a lot of pushing to drill each hole with the ⅜” spade bit when I was wiring the shed. I think they may be low quality.
Other than the dodgy drill bit results, the driving bits worked well. Of course they rusted but they have not broken or stripped and the magnetic bit holder is very useful and fits perfectly in our B&D 12v drill. I have had the magnet come out a few times recently but it hasn’t done that anymore.

When drilling wood with spade bits remember to keep the speed down, way down. With drill bits speed kills. The larger the bit the slower the speed.

You are right about the smaller bits, I break them all the time too. Chances are when drilling a small hole, 1/16th inch or so, it isn’t going to be deep so I try to chuck the bit as deeply as I can so there is no excess length of the unchucked bit to flex and break.
When drilling metal a little cutting oil and the right speed makes all the difference.

Regular spade bits can be easily sharpened with a file; just use the same number of strokes on each side. Add a little more angle and they will cut faster too. Never file the point or they may make an oversize hole.

HD shopping trip time again today for supplies, and these bits are now on the list. Thanks!


This morning I went back to that same HD. We are so thick with HD’s around here, that town has 2!
Anyway, after noticing that triple emitter light with 1000 Lumen I figured it must have 3 CREE XP-G2’s
If it did, I MUST get some. At only 9.88 it seemed a bargain. What I couldn’t figure out is why is this the only store to have them. 2 explanations, either they are old stock from last year and for whatever reason they are clearing them out at select stores. (I remember a triple from this time last year) OR it is brand new stock, not yet meant to be released and by accident it was put on the floor in this store early.

When I got there this morning I fully expected to see at least half of them gone, but no. Not a one had sold. So instead of grabbing a bunch in a frantic buying binge I took my time and checked on out closely. What I thought I saw through the package disturbed me. The emitters looked like CREE alright, but I needed to do one of my in store tear downs before I was going to buy any.
The light out of the package

Decent quality, not great, certainly not as good as the DST or the Defiant 3D.
The head is glued in place, no getting that off with my bare hands. I only bought 1, the reason being is that it appeared that every light had one LED that was larger than the other 2. Maybe 1 XP-G2 and perhaps 2 XP-E2’s? I don’t see how they could claim 1000 lumen from 1 XP-G2 and 2 XP-E2’s Being curious, I brought one home.
In store shot, through the bubble packaging.

For some reason it is much easier to notice with my naked eye. I am very near sighted.
Here is a better shot at home.

Now that is weird! Maybe that's why they're so cheap! (Ha! Like the general public would even know!)

I should look back thru my store display photos and see if my store had that one (photos unavailable until tomorrow).


2 are definitely smaller. So far I can’t get it apart

Looks like the 2014 model: New Defiant lights at Home Depot (Pics added)

Wasn’t much interest in it.

Yeah, it looks like it but it is an even cheaper model. edit: (the one I have, thatis)

That store also had the drill set that poiihy mentioned. It contains the same bits, but with a lime green case. Actually the older Blue case drill set has titanium coated bits.

Here are the 2 side by side. I can now see that this $2.83 price is for old stock. Not likely other stores will have any, but you never know. I bought 4 more, that last of ’em

Of course; all stores have them. Ryobi changed the colors of all their tools to lime green and black/grey for some reason.

As you can see, the nice thing about this is that you can get the older tools for much cheaper, even though they are exactly the same as the new tools, just a different color. Julian Illet talked about this. You can find cheap Ryobi tools on ebay. That’s what’s so great about Ryobi. And even without any discounts, the prices are still good. Ryobi is the best bang for the buck, like Square D.

The new kits have black oxide bits instead of titanium coated bits, just for the different color to match their color scheme. I don’t know if the coating makes a difference. Does it, or is it just for color? What is the “black oxide” coating made of?

dchomak. How big is the opening on the bezel where the reflector is on the three led light you got for $9.88?

Titanium Nitride is a hard anti-friction coating; black oxide is soft and only offers some rust resistance. In my usage on various materials I find both to be more gimmick than useful being scarcely better than the standard HSS bits.

And as my luck would have it, the HD I went to today had no drill kits, TCP lights, or light sensors though they had a large flashlight display with most of what’s been posted here. So frustrating to see others get deals I can’t but keep at it because at least it helps SOMEbody!


Here is the best deal I ever got on drill bits from Home Depot. Last year and the year before HD had these amongst the holiday gift items that are part of the flashlight displays that I posted.
2 years in a row they were offered at $14.00. Both years they sold out quickly. Each store only stocked about 12. This year I have not seen them yet, maybe they come out for Black Friday.
Anyway 2 years ago I found 2 sets in January for $8.00 and I grabbed them up. Last year I saw one for $10 and grabbed it. Like I said they don’t last long, so if they appear at $14.00, anyone that could use them should get a set. 1/16 all the way to 1/2 inch!
I just checked, they are still on the website. So maybe they will back again this BF.

I just did a search for these 2 drill sets on EBay. I found them both, but you gotta pay!

Think about it. How can something like this be sold online and cost less than a retail store? A retail store like HD or Lowes has a distribution network that can truck in pallets of these, whereas EBay had to ship each individual one to your home. And to put it in even more perspective, as texaspyro once pointed out, delivered to your front door by uniformed men. Who do you think pays for that.
$19.99, twice HD’s list price. Oh but that’s OK because there’s free shipping. :~

$37.81, over twice HD’s list price. But once again, “free” shipping :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope - didn't see that light in my store display photos :( .


I am starting to believe that they were meant to come out for the Black Friday event and this store jumped the gun. My favorite shopping day of the year!

Now back to drill bits, I am on a roll this morning.
Lately I have had very bad luck ordering stuff from FastTech. First order of an item is OK but then when I re-order there is a second generation out that has been made cheaper to the point of not being usable. I certainly have never ordered drill bits online, but here is proof as why it would not be a good idea.
Here is a capture of an offering of bits at FastTech, and then a blowup of their picture.
Enough said

Compare that to an EXTREME closeup of the Ryobi bits (considered by many to be cheap and of lesser quality than “name brands”}