Do you still own any non LED powered lights?

Last week I dug up my Litebox-like lantern with a 55W H1 halogen bulb from a car and runs on a 6V lead-acid battery. They are dirt-cheap but only last a few minutes.

Sold the one incan flashlight I had — a MagLite Mini — about a week ago. Now, it’s only LEDs.

No I guess I don’t. But I do have a couple of these. Electric service is still unreliable where I live. I haven’t measured the total candle power on this but I’m sure it’s at least 5-6

I still have the $4 red 16 lumen flashlight that I think lasted half an hour on 2 AA’s. I haven’t used it lately, but I can’t see selling it.

I liked it, but haven’t used it much since getting a Sipik 68 clone about 2 years ago.

Nice! A guy in town apparently made decent money selling these during Y2K scare. I have a crank handled led one that looks like a Coleman lantern, and I just used a C8 on low to shower etc last winter when the power went out. About 0.4 A, I think, lasts well, plenty of light, I tail stood it

Yeah, electric lights are good and all but that oil will stay good forever and provides a decent heat source in the winter.

So that what? About one Texas Candle Power (TCP) :slight_smile:

Lol yeah that sounds about right

I have a minimag 2aa - I have been meaning to update it with a nice XML2 2900k 90 cri - but have been lazy

I still have a Princeton Tec Surge 8 AA dive light and a couple of Maglites. Every once in awhile I put batteries in them and scare myself with the ugly beam patterns and hepatitis ridden yellow light.

There’s one beautifully-made (IMNERHO, of course) incan I can’t seem to stop using. I hope someone has seen one … Here’s a picture, it’s all I have:

I bought 2 of the silver ones & lost track of from whom. I know it’s silly, but I do love the way they look sitting on a desk or table.

I’ve been trying to find an excuse to mod it, but everything inside is odd-sized and the way it’s made I almost need a machine shop to fab up parts. The biggest problem with it is I can no longer find any for sale so there’s no real point in making parts. “It gives a lovely light”, so any mod would have to be spectacular to be worth giving up the CRI of the burning wire. It uses the old-school Momentary (press)/Constant (twist) tailcap, which I happen to like a lot.

It only takes 2 CR123 batteries as the body inside diameter is ~17mm & boring it for 18650s would weaken/cut off the threads. :frowning: And with the little bullet-shaped 6v xenon bulb, it eats a pair of CR123’s rather quickly; but if I use LiIon it will supposedly fry the bulb. The only “upgrade” I can come up with is a bulb upgrade & 16340 batteries. As soon as I use up the rest of the CR123’s I’ve hoarded, that’s ‘to-do’.

I love the look, the UI and the light OTF, and would love to know what it is & where more can be found. If I could find more, that would cost-justify hiring a machinist to bore the heads to “standard” sizes for LEDs, Optics and drivers. I’d be willing to trade CRI for “Stupid-Bright NW”…

Sorry to interrupt. Thanks for reading.


I want to know what is your text?

4 D mag lite with leaked alkalines stuck in it …
A couple of stainless 2D lights i keep thinking of modding but the construction of the lights is so stinkin poor it really doesn’t make any sense at all …you’d have to have no life at all to do it . 3 or 4 plastic coleman lanterns to mod but will only do them if they can be done very cheaply .

I also have a same one ,but now ,I get it away!

Yeah my mom’s got one next to her pillow. She uses it to spot mosquitos at night…doesn’t even care for my LED torches…

I still keep my Surefire E2e that I bought in 2003.
In stock form it runs on incan with max output of 60 lumens, but most of the time I used the KL1 led head which only gives 30 lumens, which is good enough for checking diapers, as it can also run on 2x 16340 rechargeables, compared to the incan which can only run on primaries

I have some old plastic incans and toylights and a Walther tactical xenon whatever light. Runs on two cr123 and was 60lumen, 10 years ago I thought that is brighter than the sun lol……today even a small keychain light is dim if it has only 60lumen.

I really like the old metal flashlights. I sometimes thought about buying some of these old things. The only problem is that you can’t mod them without destroying the old things and that is a sin because there aren’t so many of them out there yet.


Hardly a sin as there are currently almost 3000 ebay listings for used collectible flashlights and the majority look to be unmodified incandescent lights. Some dating back to pre WW2 it looks like.

I keep an ican minimag just in case I have to look into my wifes or pets eyes for first aid purposes. You don't want to do that with an LED.

Hoping I don't ever have a doctor or cop try to inspect my eyes with an LED light.

Also keep some HID's around. They still rock.

Actually I found my old brinkmann light from way back when. I remember it being very bright but run time was terrible so being the pack rat that I am, I stashed it in the closet. I think it lasted twenty min tops and looks like this one.