[07-MAR-2016] Current status of BLF upgrade process

Adding my thanks to SB for his hard work in keeping this forum alive and well!

Looks like we got some new smilies to go along with the update?



I see new nav buttons! Great job Mr. Admin!

I’m not sure, but I’ve seen websites that have continually refreshing info. The shoutbox on your BlogSpot page was auto-refreshing. :wink:

I miss the old smileys. :cry:
Especially the ghost and the melted :weary:

If you remind me I can put those ones back, I don’t remember where they’re from, but I can find them.

Actually you just made me think of a common request we used to have— Pager buttons on top of the page in addition to the bottom. With the old version it really truly wasn’t possible. But now it seems to let me hack that in there fairly easily.

Also for those of you who enjoy causing pain and suffering, the DELETE button is back for all but the first post in a thread. Please use it sparingly!

Thanks! I’ll remind you in a few days. Or whenever you report most other forum functions have been restored / recreated.

I’m not sure how I feel about the “Track” feature. can that be disabled?

This? http://budgetlightforum.com/user/8113/track
Not quite clear on what it’s suppose to do or if it’s working right. But we did have the ability to check a users posts and threads before.

To me it appears to track what threads a user has viewed not just what was posted

Great job on the upgrade :smiley:

Still feels like the old BLF, but a bit more modern and with the addition of some better functions.

Well, I can’t see much need for that. And I’d agree with you, I don’t like the idea either.

Still not mobile friendly

I’m liking the new look.

Nice new look!!!

It seems it can be made mobile friendly Mobile-first Indexing Best Practices | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google for Developers
Google also says it’s not mobile friendly 概要  |  Lighthouse  |  Chrome for Developers
Tapatalk support seems dead in the water.

Also agreed. Thanks a lot for catching this. I had enabled it so that users can get lists of their previous posts, but I didn’t realize that it enabled everyone to see where everyone else was going on the site. It’s disabled now.

Thanks SB!

How much sleep have you had lately sb apart from not enough?