[07-MAR-2016] Current status of BLF upgrade process

@sb: I did some googling and found this image...

Does it look familiar?

yes, a button i would prefer to delete

I don't like it either, but it looks a lot better than what we have right now.

perhaps we should replace what we have now with a two step authentication (which could work with your button)

Thanks, man. I won’t bug you about it. The new forum looks awesome!

Thanks too for dealing with all our “issues” so gracefully!! If anyone else wants the post-level Subject line back, we can get the exact same effect by just typing a Subject line at the top of the post, hitting < Enter > twice and going on with it. Mischief managed!

(PS: I always Preview. It appears typing the Left Broket (shift-comma) and a character, starts it parsing HTML. So (e.g.) to enter < Enter > surround “Enter” with spaces.)

As long as sb can do it, that sounds like a great idea.

Can we add automated multi quoting, perhaps select the threads you want then hit reply and all are available to be replied to

Sb, thank you Very Much for all the tedious work you are currently doing, it is Greatly Appreciated. :beer: :beer:

Best Regards,

Oh, I always typed _the_ as ==_the_==. The double-equal is short-hand for temporarily disabling the markup language.

I didn’t realize the @ inline code block short-hand would prevent URL detection.

Putting an @ on both sides of something often gives me problems though, like if I want to list numbers. The following list should have three items, each with an @ in the middle:

  • 1000 lm @ 3000mA
  • 500 lm @ 1500mA
  • 250 lm @ 750mA

To make it work, I need to escape the @ symbols:

  • 1000 lm @ 3000mA
  • 500 lm @ 1500mA
  • 250 lm @ 750mA

Basically, the @ symbol does special things even when it’s surrounded by spaces and there are newlines between. It’s a good idea to write ==@== any time you want an actual @ symbol, or it might interfere with other formatting.

I think I’m noting these things mostly for other people’s benefit, in case they’re not used to the simple post editor.

Gotcha. Yes I do see that now. Maybe a better example is a couple posts up. Look at all the blank space below Bort’s posts #239 and #241. That’s more like what I’m trying to point out.

This is the main thing which keeps biting me.

I hadn’t noticed, but I don’t miss it. It was just another way of saying how many posts someone had.

Heh, I like plain text ones :) , but I never much cared for the graphical ones. :slight_smile:

This set in particular seems to have some extra white pixels around them though, which looks weird when the background isn’t white. IIRC the old set was more background-agnostic.

I tried to reduce empty space somewhat on the dark theme. There still seems to be a minimum height for posts though, and some other extra space I haven’t figured out how to collapse.

I could get behind having a way to ‘like’ posts and maybe a karma point system based on how many likes a person has received… To avoid drama though, a ‘dislike’ option might not be a good idea.

Until/unless the base forum software supports that, I doubt it. That would be quite a pain to implement… and for now we can do it manually when needed.

I’m not sure how hard it would be to change the post template structure, but one thing which might help is to put the div for top/edit/delete/quote/reply/spam buttons inside the message body div instead of on a row of its own.

It might also be nice, if it’s not a lot of trouble, to make the simple post interpreter ignore newlines after a closing quote tag. Like, if there is a newline (or two) immediately after
, don’t convert it into a <br /> break tag like it normally would. Just as a minor cleanup kind of thing, since otherwise it has a blank line between quoted text and the reply. It already appears to eat a newline or two before a quote, but not after.

That’s not a forum issue. That’s because Bort has this in his signature:
<table border="0" style="width: 837px; height: 179px;"><tbody><tr><td><p> </p></td></tr></tbody></table>

Not sure why it’s there, but it can be hidden with a small bit of (possibly-overzealous) CSS:
div.clear table { display: none; }

Or you can hide signatures entirely:
div.clear { display: none; }

As a default site-wide style, it might be nice to make signature text a little smaller:
div.clear { font-size: 70%; }

Busted! :smiley:

I would very much like this too, but I’m almost sure it’s not possible with this forum engine.

@ToyKeeper: Thanks a lot for the excellent observations, I’ll see what I can do.

Yeah you have quite a resource there. ToyKeeper rocks!

I have to agree with TK on this:

“I could get behind having a way to ‘like’ posts and maybe a karma point system based on how many likes a person has received… To avoid drama though, a ‘dislike’ option might not be a good idea.”

A simple “helpful” button would suffice. I also agree that having a “like” and “dislike” button sounds like trouble. There’s no reason to make it easier for people to complain. A chance to give a nod to helpful members is something I can get behind.

I agree. It’s like reading a book vs seeing the movie that was made from it. The plain text just fits your imagination better.

It’s similar, but probably not such a good idea. Someone would attack another person in a clever way, then they would get ‘likes’ for it.

Ok now that was amusing. TK you’re geekiness sets a standard for aspiring geeks everywhere! :beer:

Bort had an image with a link and two quotes in his signature that got truncated on the upgrade

Take that SB! Who’s busted now! Bort took you to Bort school!

Ok that was fun. :smiley: Obviously some glitches to work out. SB, I truly appreciate this thread where we can discuss and work out the bugs… and have a bit of fun in the mean time. Just another reason BLF is so great. :beer:

J-Dub out…