[07-MAR-2016] Current status of BLF upgrade process

Update: 23-FEB-2016:

- Fixed filtering subscribed posts by unread

  • Added searchable lists of a user’s posts.

Yes, according to the provider it was due to a DOS attack that took out their network for a few hours.

Great news, thank you Very Much for all your work. :slight_smile: :wink:

So far I really like the “My Posts” functionality. Being searchable and showing the actual post content are big upgrades from before. However, I think it’s a little funny that there is a “Post title” column on that page but no titles in the actual threads :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: I’ll give you that. But it’s basically just because something is needed to click on to actually take you to the thread, and that was the easiest column to do that with.

No worries. FWIW I like the lack of post titles in the threads.

Looks good. This should make a wide variety of tasks much easier. :slight_smile:

(for example, if I go to my “My Posts” page and do a content search for “avatars”, it shows me every post I made where I embedded a different avatar inside the post)

What? >:-# Someone was DOSing BLF?!

Pitchforks and torches time.

Nope, network level attack.

What kind of depraved raccoon human being would pretend to be Mr. Admin and post this? :innocent:

Ha, you beat me to it!

Update: 23-FEB-2016:

- User “Location” field restored

Thanks for all the work sb! <3 BLF

can SB compare iP addresses to determine the prankster?

I certainly hope not! :-o

OK, I just implemented another feature on a trial basis: For years I’ve been wanting to be able to search posts within a thread. I think I worked up a solution, as long as it doesn’t slam the server too hard. To try it out, hit the Search Within Thread tab.

I’ve wanted that very badly many times. I don’t need it today, but I’m sure I’ll need it soon.

Superb new feature!! thank you very VERY Much SB ;)


I stayed away from this thread for a few days as I know you have an insane backlog of “little things” to resolve. Great progress in the last few days!

Excruciatingly well done!

Provided you have evolved beyond the need for sleep all BLF glitches should be resolved in 28 days, 06 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. :beer: