[07-MAR-2016] Current status of BLF upgrade process

Yep, I’m trying to pin down the source of some sporadically high CPU spikes. The ads are re-enabled now.

I just want to add that I hate the font of “edit-comment-body-und-0-value” but I will go over that because I love this forum :smiley:

I suspect that the issue has more to do with the monospace font that your system uses. For reference, here’s what mine looks like with the “Ubuntu” monospace font specified in my system settings:

Hi SB,

I noticed that the "Edited on date, time" line at the bottom of a thread's OP which appeared if it had been edited, has now gone missing (was present until a ~2-3 days ago).

That entry was Very useful, as it allowed us to check when a thread's OP was last edited. Particularly as often a thread is marked as updated, But there is no "View xx new" link.

Any chance of getting it back?

And any comment(s) on my response to your reply re the <Mark Read> button?

Best Regards,


Hi George,

About the “Mark read” button, I’m almost positive that it was never able to mark just a single category as read. It was all or nothing.

The “edited” stamp was removed because it was getting changed as a result of the new email notification system. I think I might have worked around it now, and I re-enabled the “edited” stamp. But please let me know if you see posts marked as “edited” by a user that didn’t start the thread.

G'Day SB,

FYI, I used the the "Mark read" button in the previous BLF incarnation ever since I joined (April'2014), & I assure you it Only marked a "single category"/subforum as read. VERY Useful!!

Re the a thread's OP "edited" stamp, I shall keep an eye on the threads, & report any issue(s) I notice.

Best Regards,


Thanks George, I appreciate it.

Can we fix the signature looking like part of the post problem, i forget how it was done before but now signatures don’t have a clear psychological separation from posts (was it just more spaces before?)

FWIW, this is relatively simple with a few lines of CSS. Here’s what I’m using:

/* signature at the end of each post */
div.clear {
    /* display: none; */ /* in case you want no signatures at all */
    margin: 6px 0 0 0 !important;
    padding: 0 !important;
    font-size: 80%;  /* make the text smaller by default */
    border-top: 1px solid #555 !important;
div.clear div:not([class]) {  /* get rid of '--' divider at top of signature */
    display: none;

The result, for me, looks like this:


Reference: Bluzie’s Beamshot Collection

May I nominate this website for the Related Sites links (located in the far left column): über 1.000 Beamshots mit Lampenbildern | Taschenlampen Forum


Add the following as a sticky in the LED Flashlights - General Info category: Bluzie's Fantastic Beamshot Collection at TLF

or both. :star:

Also, what do you think of adding TLF (TaschenLampen Forum) to the Related Sites links? I come across them quite often when doing google searches for various flashlights: http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/

Thanks very much ToyKeeper! Looks great. I just implemented this style. Now, is there any way to convince Bort to remove the huge blank vertical space at the end of his signature? :smiley:

Done, great idea.

Thanks, SB!

subtlety of course

I kinda wondered if that 255 character problem was going to resolved on your end, bringing back what was there before.
I’ve also considered if there had not been software upgrade i would have stuck with what i had, yet i have other ideas
Way too much contemplation for a signature, probably.

BTW could we add 2 or 3 spaces before the new signature separation line

Edit, i just noticed we no longer have re-input the password to change signatures, very happy, we can now test changes much more quickly :slight_smile:

How’s it look now?

cool, thanks

G'Day SB,

I have just noticed that the "Forum Tools" menu at the bottom of each sub-forum page has gone missing.

So now I can't do what I highlighted above to mark a subforum's threads as read (after reading the rest).

Please bring it back, &/or give us the <Mark All Topics Read> button back, Please Please Please

Best Regards,



And now it IS baaaack.


I managed to kludge together this functionality for individual forum categories. I put the button on the right side when it’s a single forum category, and on the left side for the /forum overview page so they can be easily distinguished at a glance.

SB's magic is indeed MOST Powerful.

SB, thank you very Very VERY Much for bringing back the <Mark Read> Button & its functionality. GREATLY APPRECIATED.

Best Regards,


In honor of seeing “666 posts, 0 new”
this question

What would it cost to stop running the Google ads for this garbage flashlight?