Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Yes that is your opinion; I see nothing wrong with it.

How is it bad to return and buy it again for 1¢ but not bad to buy it for 1¢ in the first place? It makes no difference either way.

He said he is not going to return it and repurchase at 1 cent, just return and walk away.

The impact of dchomak playing by big orange’s rules and returning stuff is negligible.

What burns my proverbial toast is people buying stuff; looting the box for parts; then bringing it back as if it’s perfectly good for resale. I buy it (if it’s been repackaged well and I can’t tell that it’s been tampered with), get to the job and then discover that I need to make a return trip.

Yes, I know. It’s the returning it at all, because you later took advantage of the system and got it for a penny, that bothers me. Why take it back other than to further abuse the system? You already got a good deal on it. Be happy with what you have.

For me it’s a game to balance buying it at a ridiculously low price and them running out of stock. If the price goes down after I purchase and I want more then I buy more. If they’ll discount the previous purchase(s) even better. Anything purchased at these low prices is already a good deal. I count myself lucky to have gotten them. Penny deals are like a rare bonus and shouldn’t impact prior purchases.

Not everybody will agree with me and that’s OK. I won’t do it but that doesn’t mean you can’t.

How is it even “abusing the system”? You are allowed to return items. You are allowed to buy items. If they are 1¢ in the database, and they are on the shelf available for purchase… well then, you buy them for 1¢.

There is a big difference between waiting to buy at a price you want and committing fraud to lower the price, he did not hack their computers, switch price tags or price match a fake business to get it for one cent, he simply waited till home depot reduced the price to a penny.
I have bought stuff that went on sale a week or two later, went back and got a refund for the difference, most businesses have this already set up in their system to refund the difference if you bring in your receipt. I did this at Lowes last year for my dehumidifier, no fuss, no complaints, just a refund to my credit card that paid for my next purchase, a new faucet (if i could have got these things for a penny i would be jumping for joy!).

I’m going to drop this conversation now. I expressed my opinion and tried to explain my thoughts. There really isn’t anything more to discuss.

Bort, what you have admitted to doing is perfectly OK. Buy something on sale only to see it drop more and bring it back.
Home Depot will even allow you too in effect return something and then buy it right back. In effect they will refund you the difference.
If you read my post on this item, I said, and I quote,

I know my mind set in all of this.
The day I bought the light, I was thinking that it would ring up for a penny. It didn’t, and when it didn’t I intended to bring it back the next day. I was at Home Depot that very next morning and I actually had it in my hand halfway across the parking lot to return when I realized I could use it in that rental. I turned around and later that day I installed it and was very pleased with it and at that time I was was happy with the price I paid.
When I was cleaning up and about to throw the box away I had the idea to cut out the UPC code. It was just my good luck that the price turned the very next day.

I was at the store this morning to check on that light found by deathless (A whole story in and of itself)
I had the light with me but I did not return it. I thought it would be “indecent”
I will actually get more satisfaction by keeping it. (being selfish)

I think you are right, there would be nothing wrong with returning it and getting my $6.33 back, but I am going to do the selfish thing, (most decisions we make are selfish)

The Old Testament of the Bible has many laws to be kept by the Jews, just like we have Federal, State and local laws today. One that I remember seems strange at first.

Exodus 23:19b (ESV)
You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.

Exodus 34:26b (ESV)
You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.

Deuteronomy 14:21b (ESV)
You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.

Underline for emphasis (by me)

What’s wrong with that?
Just think about it for awhile


it means that it’s ok to boil home depot in the atlanta falcon’s gatorade,
so go back to the other forum if you don’t like bargains.
i guess you’re gonna tell me not to shop lift now.
well i’m a shoplifter and i don’t care what you think
but i only shoplift penny items from home depot

poiiy, think about it for a few more :slight_smile:

I went to HD this morning to see if I could score that same light that deathless did.
Here is his pic

I had a couple of problems though. It seems that the clearance sticker in his picture is on the wrong light! I am assuming that the light he got is the light pictured on that box. But the item # for that light is not 1001-070-915.

That is the # for this light.

That sticker on the light you bought belongs to a light that has 3200 Lumens, not the 1790 of the one I presume you have.

What this means is that if you can find the light that goes with that sticker, you can get it for $25.03, or perhaps by now even a penny.

Both of those lights are in my store but scan at full list price of 89.97 and 99.97

Is this the one you actually got?

Both are very nice and worth the clearance price

I work in It unless it is still new in the packaging, it is probably just as bad. Look inside your keyboard. Yuo might find yourself replacing your keyboard every 6-8 months. I know I sure do….

Think about what it means or think about why you wrote that? I’m trying to figure out the latter.

You replace your keyboard every 6-8 months just because it gets dirty? Why don’t you just clean it? :-/

And why just young goats? Why not everything else? I guess boiling humans would violate the “Thou shalt not kill” commandment, but is everything else ok to boil in it’s mother’s milk?

I mention that Jewish law in the context of buying a penny item and then using it to get a refund for when it was priced higher. Just as no one at first gets what would be wrong with cooking a young goat in it’s mothers milk.

To me, and there is some debate amongst the scholars, it means this.
The mothers milk is produced to nourish a young goat when it suckles. To use that very same milk to cook the flesh of the young goat is somehow, to me anyway, obscene. (a perversion of it’s intended use)
I think that is what that law is all about.

Eating a cheese burger is akin to this and some people wouldn’t eat a cheeseburger for that reason.
I like cheeseburgers and think nothing of it.

Wow, I just might be up all night trying to figure out if it is alright to use cheese made from mouse milk to catch a mouse.

I went to two Home Depot locations in my area on tuesday looking for an o-ring for an American Standard high-rise faucet. While there I searched for the $x.03 priced items found in other stores. Not one to be found. In the second store as I was walking down the aisle past the light bulbs I heard one of the employees talking to a customer trying to push a certain light bulb. The employee told the customer that it was a better bulb than the others because the blue tint to the light made it more like sunlight. :SICK:

Very profound. Thank you for sharing. I think we’d all be a lot better off if more humans got that.

Not at all! Cows are food (although that doesn’t give us the right to abuse them). Eating a cheeseburger — and enjoying it — honors the cow’s contribution to the Web of Life. A cheeseburger is not just a Balanced Meal you can hold in your hand, it’s an homage to all of Nature’s Glory!

You could fund your Home Despot habit by being the first to invent Mouse Flavored Cat Food! It’s high time someone did!


(PS: If you ever have to boil a baby goat, just use your neighbor’s nanny-goat’s milk! Mischief Managed! ;^)

Please tell us you took a couple of minutes to go correct him!

If we don’t all do our part, to “share the wealth” of Knowledge, the BS will bury us all!

(I try not to be snarky about it. But I can’t “just let it go.” It doesn’t take but a few seconds to lay out the Kelvin Color Temperature scale, then once you point out that Noon Daylight measures ~5000K, and yellow-brownish light is in the low thousands, if the mark asks what the bulb’s temperature is (closer to 8000K+ if you didn’t already know), you’ll know you’ve Done Well. And if the Orange Apron guy is honorable, he’ll be a lot better off the next time someone asks.)