Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

I work in It unless it is still new in the packaging, it is probably just as bad. Look inside your keyboard. Yuo might find yourself replacing your keyboard every 6-8 months. I know I sure do….

Think about what it means or think about why you wrote that? I’m trying to figure out the latter.

You replace your keyboard every 6-8 months just because it gets dirty? Why don’t you just clean it? :-/

And why just young goats? Why not everything else? I guess boiling humans would violate the “Thou shalt not kill” commandment, but is everything else ok to boil in it’s mother’s milk?

I mention that Jewish law in the context of buying a penny item and then using it to get a refund for when it was priced higher. Just as no one at first gets what would be wrong with cooking a young goat in it’s mothers milk.

To me, and there is some debate amongst the scholars, it means this.
The mothers milk is produced to nourish a young goat when it suckles. To use that very same milk to cook the flesh of the young goat is somehow, to me anyway, obscene. (a perversion of it’s intended use)
I think that is what that law is all about.

Eating a cheese burger is akin to this and some people wouldn’t eat a cheeseburger for that reason.
I like cheeseburgers and think nothing of it.

Wow, I just might be up all night trying to figure out if it is alright to use cheese made from mouse milk to catch a mouse.

I went to two Home Depot locations in my area on tuesday looking for an o-ring for an American Standard high-rise faucet. While there I searched for the $x.03 priced items found in other stores. Not one to be found. In the second store as I was walking down the aisle past the light bulbs I heard one of the employees talking to a customer trying to push a certain light bulb. The employee told the customer that it was a better bulb than the others because the blue tint to the light made it more like sunlight. :SICK:

Very profound. Thank you for sharing. I think we’d all be a lot better off if more humans got that.

Not at all! Cows are food (although that doesn’t give us the right to abuse them). Eating a cheeseburger — and enjoying it — honors the cow’s contribution to the Web of Life. A cheeseburger is not just a Balanced Meal you can hold in your hand, it’s an homage to all of Nature’s Glory!

You could fund your Home Despot habit by being the first to invent Mouse Flavored Cat Food! It’s high time someone did!


(PS: If you ever have to boil a baby goat, just use your neighbor’s nanny-goat’s milk! Mischief Managed! ;^)

Please tell us you took a couple of minutes to go correct him!

If we don’t all do our part, to “share the wealth” of Knowledge, the BS will bury us all!

(I try not to be snarky about it. But I can’t “just let it go.” It doesn’t take but a few seconds to lay out the Kelvin Color Temperature scale, then once you point out that Noon Daylight measures ~5000K, and yellow-brownish light is in the low thousands, if the mark asks what the bulb’s temperature is (closer to 8000K+ if you didn’t already know), you’ll know you’ve Done Well. And if the Orange Apron guy is honorable, he’ll be a lot better off the next time someone asks.)

Unfortunately I had to be quick in my search for the o-ring with a quick scan for bargains as I walked due to the fact that I had someone waiting in the car in discomfort due to the fact her pain meds were fading. She had surgery to remove blood clots from her leg a few weeks ago. The employee and customer were both women and I doubt either of them would have believed me.

I doubt they’d even be able to understand this even if you had hours to explain it. The “help” these places hire are rarely knowledgeable about anything, even the products they sell. They just repeat what the package says or what they’re told to say. Their job is to sell things and that’s what they are graded on, not actual product knowledge. I’ve had a few customers ask my advice when I’ve been shopping at these places and I tell them what I know. But I most of the time don’t volunteer my knowledge because most of the time they will take the advice of the salesperson who has never done the work or used the product over mine which is based on knowledge from actual experience.

If someone wants to be stupid I will let them do that. Doesn’t hurt me at all, and it might end up with them hiring me to make things right afterward which is good for my business. If someone shows true interest I’m happy to share what I know.


What do you mean no one gets it at first; it’s obscene the first time you read it!
And how is returning an item to get it for a cent obscene like this is?!
It’s no different than buying it for a cent in the first place!

I work in a hospital. We for a joke took a sample of 4 KBs that were a year old.

Yeah… Not going to open it up, not going to blow it out, I do not want what ever has snuck in there out and flying about, just going to just pitch it. 10-15 dollars every 6 months to buy clean equipment is very cheep. Getting some virus or what have you that has no known cure, not worth it. Yeah I pitch the one at home about once a year

For some reason people eat, drink, exfoliate skin and hair, trim there finger nails, bleed, sneeze, cough, pour coffee, ect all over the keyboard.

You may think it is clean, it is not even after you clean it.

Hmm fair enough, but what I would do is take apart the keyboard; wash the keys in a bowl of warm water and soap/cleaner like a washing machine, and wash the other parts of the keyboard; it would make it like new.
I hope you’re not throwing the keyboards out though; you should donate or recycle them at least.

I guessed that you missed the part about not being clean even after you clean it. Warm soapy water doesn’t kill germs. Let alone bugs you find in a hospital, or even at home. One living mouse runs across your keyboard and you now have mouse urine and the junta virus, one eating a candy bar, Lick your fingers, welcome to infectious diseases unit, ect ect… it all piles up.

There is no cleaning that is going to get them truly clean, unless you are taking it apart every night. Remember that you are working with electronics, plastics, and switches. how soon until the “F” key is pryed off and it snaps. back to buying a new KB.

You are not going to get all of that BIO hazard off of the KB. This is why IMO pitch it and start with a new one.

Donating a dirty KB, is like donating a dirty tissue, not worth the time to clean, or the effort to do so. I personally value my time and effort as a saved time sink to buy a new KB in the greater scheme of things.

So I do not donate keyboards, or mice. they are gross, and potentially a biological hazard.

Please don’t accuse me of the “disposable” generation, not knowing the worth of things ect. I do know, and I also know the risks of being sick or spending vacation time recovering for some illness going around this season.

Well then you should be buying a new keyboard every few seconds?

I love this thread. Every time I go to Home Depot I have to make several detours from the tasks that I had initially planned in order to look for the discounted Bargains. I don’t think I’ve ever found Any but I enjoy looking for them. Thanks for posting them here.

This one caught me by surprise. I had been keeping my eye on this rolling cart for a little while. It had been reduced from $89 down to the “6” price, maybe around $63.06, I can’t remember. A few of days ago I even asked the tool guy to scan it to be sure it hadn’t gone down to the “3” price. It hadn’t. 2 days ago it did get reduced, to $23.03.

Too big to carry, so I moved it a few feet AWAY from the place it was and away from the price sticker so that I could go get a carriage.
When I got back the tool guy was there and said WOW, I just changed that price a couple of minutes ago! Anyway, I told him how useful these things are to me and asked if they have any more. He checked and said no that is the last one, but there are 7 in West Hartford. The next morning I put it together and decided that it was of good enough quality to get a couple more. And it happened that I was going to WH anyway, so I cut the UPC off the box and stuck it in my wallet. Thing is though it scanned for $84, not $23.03 There are 2 on display and yes they are tagged at $84

One more thing for me to keep and eye on. They have 7, only 2 on display so I am pretty sure that they will be reduced further and if the other 5 are in an overhead perhaps out of sight out of mind will give me a chance to catch 1 or 2 at the “3” price.
UPC# 6942629272984

Wow! One of those carts is on my wishlist! App shows $89 at my local store though. Can the App info be trusted, or do I need to actually check the store shelf?


The app can sort of be trusted IF it both shows the number of items in stock and has a price.
It seems this one is NOT on sale at all stores. My other local store has it at $84 while another store in the area is still at full list price of $89.

I must admit, I do have an advantage over some of you in that there are 14 Home Depots within a 15 mile radius of our home.

I just learned something. When I scan the UPC code with my app set to the store I picked up the last one at 23.03, I get garbage for result.
When I set the app to the West Hartford store that has 7 in stock (employee told me) an was on sale at $84, I get the same garbage for a result.
2 other nearby stores that I scanned at the self checkout came up with a full list price of $89.
When I set my app to either of those 2 stores and scan my cutout of the UPC code I get the number in stock and the price of $89
Garry, if I set my app to YOUR store in Johnstown, PA I get 4 in stock and a price of $89.

So what I have just learned (I think) is that the app will not give results for sale items, only items at full list price.
Also I tried using the inventory checkers I referred to in my post #994 and I can’t get them to work for this item.

I think at a local HD here in Virginia I tried scanning yellow-tag items and the app showed me full price rather than the yellow-tag price. I’ll try again when I have a chance.