Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!


as a reckless data point. I have an experimental light 3s using 3x14500 that I use direct drive to drive a 6v xhp70. works like a champ. the emitter can take it. or maybe using wimpy 14500 has enough voltage drop that it is still safe from turning angry blue.

So for all those interested (including myself) I am talking to Simon about making accommodations for the MT-G2 at least in the host form. Personally I’d love to see a clear anodized L6 with a nice neutral MT-G2. One step at a time though. Let’s get some of the L6 out there and start tinkering before we decide where this journey should go next.

Woohoo! This is gonna be EPIC! :slight_smile:

Tell (ask) him to just do it! J-Dub74 I like it already!!


Yeah… I would love that an MT-G2 variant would be offered as well.
Or else a NW version of the xhp-70 be made available.

Pretty sure that’s what JDub is working for, to get an excellent user light that needs no modifications, ready to go and work hard, right out of the box.

If it ends up that Simon can’t source a NW or hCRI XHP70, how many people would be interested in one? I know I would, and Cutter has them, but the shipping (at least in the standard checkout menu) is $25usd. If there are enough interested, it could ease the pain a bit to share the shipping costs.

Unfortunately it seems they’re out of stock on the bare emitters, but they have some that are mounted in stock. They’ve got plenty of nice tint options, too, including 4000k, 4674k, and 5000k.

how about we buy and have them shipped to Simon? then he installs it


digikey has some nice high cri xhp70 leds for decent price in US.

+1…I was just looking at that. Also, DigiKey’s shipping price is a lot better than Cutter’s.

Look at DigiKey’s shipping price to China.

If we have em located, why couldn’t Simon simply purchase what he needs direct from the source? Pay shipping once.

I DHL’ed a package to China early this month for a cool $100. Shipping was more than double the price of the light in the box. Even with a 30% off discount, it was still $68. Just saying. I mean, y’all ARE wanting him to build the light THIS YEAR, right?

Edit: Wondering too, just how many might be needed? 50? 100? 200? Anybody here gonna order 200 expensive emitters then forward them on with additional shipping costs? Doing business get’s complicated, a business can do things Internationally that an individual might have trouble pulling off. Customs, shipping, time delays, all sorts of issues crop up.

Is cutter electronics in Australia?

I was speaking in terms of swapping my own emitter…if needed.

Same here, changing my own leds and or drivers to my liking.


High CRI and neutral XHP50 are definitely available for purchase on Taobao. So XHP70s must be there too. So I’m wondering what exactly Simon’s problem is?

Wow I feel like a kicked a hornets nest. :slight_smile:

My primary goal here absolutely is for Convoy to deliver an excellent out-of-the-box light. I’ve mentioned many times that I myself cannot mod a flashlight so you better believe I’m looking out for those like me. Obviously I keep all the modders in mind too as that’s what BLF is all about. He (Simon) sounds a little iffy on the MT-G2 thing but he hasn’t said no. I’ll keep everyone posted.

Well, if you guys do manage to get either and preferably both high CRI and NW emitter I’d be really interested in this light.

How quick of a double tap to strobe? I often find myself cycling through modes on my Lumintop SD75 (which I’d love to replace supplement with this light with high CRI) and often ending up in strobe mode, which I almost never want.