Home Depot Deal Alerts & Discussion Thread

Into the CRUSHER? WHAT?! They crush pulled products??!

Thats what the guy told me. In disbelief I asked a lady that usually helps me as I was on my way out, she said the same thing.

Also said that if you are a charity organization and speak with the manager that sometimes they’ll donate the items that are to be crushed.

Reason the crusher thing came up is after he said they were “tossed out back” I jokingly said “I guess that would have been a good day to dumpster dive”, he said “wouldn’t have done you any good, it goes into a crusher”.

Thats the reason I asked the lady up front, makes no sense to crush merchandise, old or not.

Edit: At the risk of going to jail for trespassing, I should drive around back and see if they actually have a crusher lol. I’d be sick if it was full of LED work lights, its the only thing our store had on clearance that was even remotely interesting.

Oh my god I cannot believe they would crush merchandise!
You can drive behind the store, just like any store, can’t you?

Yeah, I used to work at a store in the same strip, we used the road behind there as a shortcut all the time. Usually a few employees out there smoking, but I don’t remember anything else. I’ll drive through there in the next couple of days and look.

There’s no way they would be that dumb. They’d literally be throwing away potentially millions of dollars in revenue annually if all stores crushed their pulled items. Surely they resell the pulled items to some company at a deep discount, by tonnage or at least for scrap?

famous last words?

You would think. But I guess if they write it off as a loss in doesn’t matter one way or anther? And then there would be the problem of someone else selling their store branded stuff, IDK if they’d allow that? Theres a company in Florida that sells containers full of that type of merchandise, mixed returns and old or pulled stock, so that does happen.

I will add this though, when I was in college I worked in management for a national retail store that was bought out by another entity, and when our re-branding was done we were ordered to toss a lot of perfectly useable stuff. Not everything, and it was a one time deal of course, but I guess it can happen. On a regular basis, I have my doubts. Maybe he was full of it and she wasn’t sure and just agreed instead of saying so.

I’m not sure honestly, but thats what they told me.

Last night there was another one of those fat mice making a huge racket… I put a trap and caught it.

Today I rescued a bunch of stuff from going to the crusher…………….

was it a mouse?

Tell us, tell us… I’m going behind mine and look on Saturday. What did the crusher look like?

No, they weren’t mice!
Before I present the refugee’s from the crusher, I thought I would show some of the other stuff I saw.
First of all, here is why the older 800 lumen LED work light is on clearance. It is being replaced with a 1000 lumen one,

BTW, the 800 lumen work lights sold thru quickly at the 3 price. They were everywhere, and then all of a sudden there were none. Up until today I had passed on them as I thought I had enough work lights already. Besides with the light coming from just one emitter I thought the light might have too much glare. It wasn’t until I saw that they had a BridgeLux emitter and the thought of battery operation that I decided I just had to have one. Trouble is, they are extremely hard to find now.
Someone mentioned that they had been pennyied out at his HD. Could be, but just because they suddenly dissappear doesn’t mean they went to a penny. On the other hand, it could be that they did. That’s why my heart jumped when I saw these old 800 lumen worklights on this rack. They are stuck in sideways with no price. Easy to miss, they could have gone for a penny but they didn’t. At least I got one for $9.23. The newer models are sprinkled around it,

Here is why the posted prices can not be trusted. Here is a picture of the 1750 lumen LED worklight and stand that is on clearance.

Sorry for the large pics, but there is a lot of detail to show.
The middle blue arrow point to the original clearance price of $49.00. The original price was $79.95!
The top red arrow points to a second clearance price of $46.00.
The bottom blue arrow points to the “6” price of $45.06, but none of those prices are current. This worklight rings up for $20.03. I knew it would, here is how.
Some times you have to look UP. These were in the overhead of another store.

Another of the NiMH chargers has gone on clearance. This one comes with 4 cells.

I missed out on this deal. A Bernz O Matic swivel torch head

Some WINK stuff. Wink hub is required and is not included.

I got 2 of these, this is a great deal!

I also picked up one of these 1/2 HP models, I got the last one.

I think we have seen this deal before some months ago, but here they still are. I called and picked up 10 packs of 2 for him.

He’s talking about his penny deals.

No, no, no.
I was more humane than that. I didn’t snatch them out of the jaws of the crusher.
I spared them that horror, I rescued them while they were still in the store on the shelves. :slight_smile:

holy !@#$ we need that! I must find one!!

Here’s something interesting.
Yesterday at Home Depot I saw this box of LED bulbs.
But these LED bulbs looked exactly like incandescent bulbs.
I thought “wow they have led bulbs that look exactly like incandescent bulbs now” (i know there are filament ones but they aren’t this exact)
I took them out of the box to have a closer look.
Turns out, they were incandescent bulbs… burnt-out ones.
So apparently someone brought their burnt out bulbs and swapped them. :open_mouth:
The packages behind had the actual product inside.

Remember the store that had the 15 Armour Max 3D’s in the overhead and the guy wouldn’t sell them to me?
2 weeks later, they are still there!

This store has cases of them in the overhead!!!


WOW! I’d clean house at that price on the 1700 lumen work lights, well, I actually need about 5. And about that many of the smaller ones. Our store only had 3 of the 1700, 1 opened and 2 unopened, and none of the smaller ones. It was the large ones I missed.

Thanks for rescuing those lights, laying in bed last night I thought of all the poor, lonely LED work lights sitting in a dumpster behind Home Depot waiting to be crushed, and a chill went up my spine. Then it occurred to me what I’m going to have to spend to get some cheap knockoffs to Mod and a tear rolled down my cheek.

In all seriousness though, nice score.

Just need a minor earthquake or perhaps a careless customer walking around with a 10’ PVC pipe to knock them off the shelves and onto the sales floor?


Yeah, I’d find some way to pull a few of those down without causing too much noise!