Evil stupid people in the world. :(

seems like every young person who we have working in the yard opts for Mountain Dew out of many diff sodas we have in our cooler.

This is whisky. Never had or will though.

Mountain Dew very sweet tasting. Americans like sugar.

I’m a drink mixer personally. A base of Sprite, some code red mtn dew for flavor and caffeine, some sunkist for flavor, and a bit of lemonade to tone down the carbonation. I make the most of the fountains at the gas station

That whisky you would not mix I’d keep it on my self to look pretty lol. I usually buy dimple or chivas I’ve been buying the 18 year aged stuff. I only drink a few times a year so might as well. Japan makes some good alcohol if you can find sapporro beer that is still made in Japan its great. The one we get here now is made by coopers and its bad stuff! Asahi beer is okay its very crisp.

Rum is too sweet. Cutty Sark smells bad but tastes good. Not currently a popular spirit. Most consider better used as paint thinner. Not sure what that says about me. :person_facepalming: Not a fan of uncured meat. More scared of the little bugs that can grow in improperly stored food. However organic vegetables taste much better sometimes. Really like chopped liver as in liver from chickens. Used to share with our dog. Was totally not impressed with the liver till I added the Worcestershire sauce was she. Enjoy Arabic/Turkish coffee. Favorite beverage is life giving tea. Whole leaf black tea such as English Breakfast, Darjeeling. Makes my brain work. :slight_smile:

I am more or less a coffee person: i drink 3-4 italian espresso every day and i cant imagine the life without it- straight, no sugar, hot

Coke , Pepsi…come on guys, too much sugar in those - i drink water instead, usualy the wifey makes apple juice after the dinner

Bigotry and hate - very bad and come in all denominations. The larger the group, the lower the lowest common denominator. Organize to accomplish a task, then disband quickly before the organization becomes more important than the task. Eschew sheephood, be the author of your own opinions and own up to their consequences.

I prefer Pepsi over Coke and chocolate ice cream over vanilla but coffee ice cream over both. I want some cream in my milk too. Wintergreen over spearmint or peppermint. Black licorice over red. Fries with garlic not garlic with fries. Margueritas, yes, wine, yes, lager, yes, IPA, no.

I cant have what I want. I cant have what I like. I have what I have and like what I got. :slight_smile:

I typically start my day with several tablespoons of cafe caribe in a french press. Good coffee at a bargain price.

Following on from the shooting in the gay club they mentioned on the news yesterday:

So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country.

According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from the War of Independence to Iraq.

Wow! :open_mouth:

264 - You brought back some very fond memories with those videos. Thank you!

Yeah .
I live about 15 miles from where the shootings took place . It has affected everyone . It is the only topic of conversation right now .
As one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world , we have been paranoid about terrorism for a long time . What happened at Pulse was such a tragedy .

The people here have been great in their support of the victims and their families . Long lines at blood donation sites , with many others providing water and food for everyone involved in the donation process .
Many helpers , all of them heroes .

Staying strong in Orlando .

People might be hitting the new Rude! button because of the curse word. Some members have mentioned that they occasionally do have children reading over their shoulder.

Don’t get me wrong though, imho strong language is warranted at times, especially when we are talking about a massacre like this. But BLF is meant to be family friendly, no cursing for any reason. Helps to maintain the nice atmosphere we have here (vs the rest of the internet).

By the way, sb56637? Is that Sb’s name?

I get what you are saying. That’s why I deleted my posts. I get very emotional when innocent people die in the name of religion,etc.
I apologise to anyone I might have offended becuase of my launguge.

Interesting! That’s not what I wrote.

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away…

…there was a…