KD (kaidomain): Deals and new products thread

From the layout, looks like it's not a Atmel MCU - pin #8 appears to be GRND, while the Atmel's have VCC there. Could be PIC based. VCC and GRND is the quick and dirty way of telling if it's an Atmel or not.

Hi djozz

Thanks for you guys interesting with our product.

ImA4Wheelr is right. AMC7135 will step down if the temperature is reached. For the 8 x AMC7135, that mean we have 8 chips to help to so called heat dissipation.

I would check what is the MCU used in KD 7135 Driver board when i back to office on tomorrow.



The web page says:

What product should be used there?

Hello Ban .
I saw today that the new C8 was listed. As Will asked , when will we be able to buy the new reflector separately?

The two redesigned KDLIGHT C8’s XPL HI V2(Neutral) or V3 (Cool) with the new V3 driver at $18.99.

So psyched to see that light available. Might have to grab a neutral.

The new P60 drop-ins with 4500K Nichia 219B’s and 1.5A driver look great. I have made similar drop-ins, but this is a great option. Perfect for anyone with some underused P60 hosts lying around. A great tint and beam with long runtime from a decent 18650.

@Rolz - KD has also got a couple of KD C8 XPL-HI V3 1600 lum 6500K with Orange Peel (OP) instead of the SMO

I wonder what the OP reflector does to the both throw and spill and how much different would these be to the KDLIGHTs you mention?

The model I have to review has a smooth reflector which helps with throw. If I get an opportunity to gram an OP version to test out I’ll pass on the beam shots and results.

Still looking for your C8? lol the OP will make the beam less of a thrower and it will also give it a warmer appearance I build a C8 with a OP textured reflector like these ones its nice it still throws far but no where near as much as a standard C8 as for power @ 3 amps these will maybe just 1000 lumen nothing spectacular same package as what convoy is offering but it appears that these lights have no centering ring the reflector is custom made to sit on the MCPB i cant tell for sure because no one has to taken pics. Other thing is the driver looks like it is soldered in and doesn’t use a retaining ring…

Yes still looking for a thrower C8 for the boys (’I’ve got a stock SMO Thorfire C8S)
Just considering my options mate

A review of the OP C8 would be great especially for someone new like me

I’ve started collecting data for the new C8 from KD and the results are great so far. About 70k on the lightmeter at a spacing of 1m. It’s an excellent thrower for it’s size. Best SMO C8 I’ve seen to date. At this time I may not be able to test it with an OP reflector. Once the review is over I may try, but it’s not a simple swapover. I may need an LED gasket. Anyway I’ll explore.

The KD C8 is not a well-optimized use of the XP-L HI. The same ugly yellow center can be seen, and while the throw is great, the beam looks messy to me. Looks like a poorly de-domed XM-L T6.

The only good use of XP-L HI is in the KD P60 drop-ins. No ugly yellow center and great throw.

Rusty are you referring to the newly released KDLIGHT C8 or the earlier versions? The Cool White version I have of the new model has a nice clean beam pattern.

I am referring to the newly released lights. I gave them away to friends. They are functional and bright, but they suck. I now hate XP-L HIs because of the coloration issues. They are really ugly.

Joe, were the ones you had Neutral or CW? Also how long ago did you order them?

I thought the newly release versions were just put on only about 1 week ago?



Good to hear this, thanks! I’m planning on getting some of these.

Anybody know if there is a way to change mode group on KDlight V3 driver without resoldering ie. with button clicks when the driver is inside the flashlight?
Or is it solder-and-forget and no way to change without jumper resoldering? I don’t suppose there’s dip switch out there small enough to fit?

Hi friends,

Nichia NVSW219BT-V1 R9050 D220 SW57 5700K CRI92 LED Emitter is in stock now




Ban , could you get higher bins of Nichia ?
For example Nichia 219C D320


I would try to contact our supplier and see it is available or not.

