GBGB, LD-51 dual cell XHP35 Boost Driver, Great Price!

Thanks! I ordered a couple right away this morning. How many lumens will an XHP35 HI give at 1.5A? I’m guessing between 1300 & 1500?

1200 - 1300 lumens
(deduce from XHP50/70 djozz’s graph XHP50 = 1300 XHP70 = 1400)

You forget that the XHP35 is a 12V emitter, it would actually be equal to 3A in those LED’s.

Ordered, thanks!! :+1:

It should do around 2000 lumens at 1.5 if I’m not mistaking.

2 pcs

Already got them. Quick shipping from gearbest.

Forgot to mention (shame on me :person_facepalming: ) that the drivers dont come with a spring. So you have to solder your own spring on it.

What host(s) is everyone using theirs in? Mine have not arrived yet.

Can this driver utilise e-switch? because there is a soldering point with “Key” printed beside? (Presumably other lead would be soldered to ground but I am not sure, that would be 8.4V thru teeny tiny e-button)!

I would like to know this as well.

Can someone please answer my noob question?

So with 1.5A you get about 2000 lumens. But the XM-L2 can be driven at 6A with copper DTP, resulting in about 1600 lumens or so? A few hundred lumens less which is not so visible, but the smaller die results in (much) higher lux values with the XM-L2 or not? So what makes this LD-51 driver so interesting?

Cheers :slight_smile:

I’m not sure of the exact numbers but you have to convert the power usage to watts to get a better perspective. If the XHP35 is a 12 volt led, 12V x 1.5A = 18 watts.
XML2 leds will only go to a max of 5 amps these days. 5A x 3.5V = 17.5 watts.

I suspect that this is pretty much comparable to what I did. With a comparable efficacy this results in higher lux values for the smaller die XM-L2 with comparable lumen values. So what makes the XHP35 emitter interesting?

Its lumen output /the auto industry (mainly due to its working voltage)/oveall 12v applications: at 12v you can straight use it with a siple resistor as a driver

Thanks for your input. But I meant what makes the XHP35 emitter with this particular driver interesting for flashlights. For instance, I want to do some emitter/driver swaps with my Convoy L6. Why would I use this driver with the XHP35 emitter, if I can have an XM-L2 at around 5A resulting (I think) in slightly less lumens, but much higher lux values?

Its all about marketing m8, a good binned V6/U4 will give you nearly 1900 lumens output and way better candelas, yet companies use XHP35 cause its new, have more lumens at its default values that XML/XPL and will bring aditional sales
Most of those companies used and are still using Cree XB-H for the same reason: its new, atracive…and they all need your money :slight_smile:

Ofc XHP35 is way more usable in a flashlight than XB-H yet its main idea is different

But also great throw has been achieved with xhp35, like Acebeam K70 and Thrunite tn42 (But ofcourse these flashlights can throw way better with smaller dye leds , like xpl / xpg2 dedomed)

Hmmm…. So I’m not convinced about this driver then. It seems that the XHP35 is only more interesting for flashlights, if you drive it harder to get more like 2500 lumens like with the Acebeam K70 to step up the lumen game compared to XM-L2. And as you indirectly mentioned, if yo have a 3 cell host, then you could direct drive the XHP35. But that will result in quite some more amps than 1.5 that this LD-51 driver is pushing.

Dont be, i got 5 of those, already modded an L2 host( with 5mins machine work ofc) with 2 x 26350s ,this driver and a D4 1A binned emitter - viola,2000 lumens 228k cds lovely flashlight, quite pocketable too: it has a huge halo also: great as an offhand hunting searchlight or something simmilar
at 1.5amps the torch is runing an idea cooler than a hard puched V6 one

Yeah….personaly i am quite impatient for it to be shipped :slight_smile: Will dismantle it asap, that huge reflector needs atention! :slight_smile:

Nice stats. So with a larger reflector in the L6 you should get like, what 250~300 cds or something (with smooth reflector)? Nice. Yeah it runs cooler; that’s nice too.

The XHP35 is going to be more efficient for a given lumens over other options. Also the domed version of the 35 can make almost 3000 lumens, so when compared apples to apples the difference is more noticeable.

From what I have read it seems to put out throw numbers like an XP-L hi with almost twice the lumens.