Protected NCR18650B Giveaway - ENDED - WE HAVE A WINNER!

Winner announced:
Streamer! Congratulations!

For my 200th post, I thought I would give away a few batteries! :slight_smile:

I will be giving away a pair of 3400mAh Protected Panasonic 18650B batteries to a random poster in this thread.


  • Must have been a member on or before 11/4/2013
  • Post something short about what your favorite aspect of BLF
  • Must live in the USA (sorry, shipping batteries international is a pain right now)

A winner will be randomly picked by post number on 11-11-13.

Good luck!

What I like best about BLF is how willing everyone is to help and share what they’ve learned. This is an incredible learning environment (and a great time waster!)
(added 11/6/2013)

Love the GBs…of course :bigsmile:

Thanks RMM! Count me in. Good luck with your new sales venture too!

I love BLF giveaways! Also, the wealth of information and the freedom of discussion and the snappy performance all thanks to SB and the awesome members.

Edit: @SB I am always opening like 10 tabs in one go and it’s getting better all the time. The hiccups are to be expected for the improvements. Thanks again for the hard work!

The wealth of information here is amzing! Makes me realize how little I know. :slight_smile:

Congratulations on your 200th!
BLF feeds my daily supplement requirement.
Thanks for the giveaway

( I have USA address )

Wow! Really? That’s music to my ears. My internet connection is kind of slow, so I often wonder what the site performance feels like for other users. Thanks for saying so.

Congrats on your 200th post. It’s going to take me ages to get that high. I hope international members are included.

I love BLF for the wealth of experience, others who understand our unique ( for the lack of a better word ) obsession :wink: and the reviews.

Count me in!

And obviously the reviews and the battery tests are my favorite!

Count me in as well! I love the vast amount of knowledge contained in this place, and the fact that you guys put up with the silly questions I often have. :slight_smile:

This forum gives me something to look forward or literally a light at the end of the tunnel ,pun intended

Mods and reviews are very interesting.

Awesome, I’m in!

I love the atmosphere here. Of the many forums I have been a part of, this one actually feels like a real community. People are always happy to help and rarely (if ever) do I see any rudeness etc.

I’m In Thank’s

I enjoy reading the reviews to see which lights i shall buy next :smiley:
Congrats and thanks

Canada don’t count ? kidding congrats on your first giveaway :slight_smile:

Congrats on 200 posts.

It is because of the BLF that I actually own lights that run on a 18650 battery.

Great place to learn about BRIGHT lights.

Love the people here that share! Thanks for the giveaway.

I love the mods and reviews. Pretty much anything modded by Tom E is a must read!

BLF is like a community that looks at for each other and helps each other, Maybe its like a tribe or as in ice age the movie a herd.

This site makes me spend money while saving some at the same time. :bigsmile:
Doesn’t make me feel as guilty when splurging on lights.