Hey guys, here is the news for you.
All of our TO series flashlights are being discontinued.
Before they sell out, we are offering 40% OFF the remaining stock for the TO40R, TO46R and TO50R!
Use discount code FORTO40 at the checkout! This code is EXCLUSIVE to you guys here!

Is that regular price correct for the TO50R?
$168.99 ???

Wow, sounds pretty ridiculous.

Yes, the original price is $168.99

Even at 40% off, it is still very very expensive when compared to similar competing lights.
Thanks for the reply though.

unfortunate about the TO40R being $168 List Price ($103 on sale) bc i was interested in that light, but @ $100 our options significantly increase. I'Il pass.

The TO40R is a whole lot cheaper.

Click on the correct link above.

Will you support these lights with warranty and/or replacement parts? Or if people buy them as discontinued models will they end up a throwaways if something fails?

The cheapest for the TO50R as been around $70 at BG per a thread on reddit . No front lens and a subpar battery . Tempting but no …

Ouch. Substantial…

Is it the Big Mac Battery that brings the price so high?

Curious about shipping… Shipped from China? And approximate cost to the US? (And a guess how many weeks?)

Wuben is too expensive, dont own any, probably never will.

Many Wuben are not that expensive, but that TO50R is honestly overpriced for what it is.

My issue with most (not all) Wuben lights is that they have great hardware, but retarded UIs. Ie, you just don’t do things like mixing click-on and longpress-off, or v/v.

That said, the 2-button lights like the TO46R (which I’d definitely look into getting one more, as long as I wouldn’t get raped on shipping or have to wait 3mos to get) usually have a good UI. I can’t speak for all of them, but the ’46 is definitely a great light.

I’m wondering if the ’46 also has a Big Mac Battery, or if that’s just the ’50. 18650 vs 21700, I know, but…

That’s some good bragging rights, right there.

Of course. The warranty is no different from that of normal products, please don't worry.

All products from our official website are complete and new.

Its battery, material and LED are all of high quality. It will shipped from so you can get it soon.

Our product range is diverse and the price is between $15-$1000, you can choose the one you like.

Wow, is it called arrogance ? Or maybe you don’t understand english enough to be usefull .

I mean, to be fair, the TO50R is a top tier light with excellent efficiency, regulation, brightness, etc.

120$US seems like a fair price, but of course, it doesn’t have a lens, which I think is unoptimal and the UI could certainly be improved.

Say Wuben, have you ever thought of doing a BLF edition product with a UI like Anduril?

Ohhhhh, TO46R is “currently unavailable” on Amazon. :o