Wurkkos TS25 - is the production version all fixed up?

Wondering if all the bugs found on the pre-production version were fixed? Has anyone purchased one recently and can give feedback?


  1. Is there a dim aux mode?
  2. What’s the dim aux mode current consumption?
  3. LVP for all aux modes?
  4. Idle current

Appreciate any feedback!

1) Yes.

2) That is defined by internals of the microcontroller, so it’s roughly the same as other Anduril flashlights.

3) Yes, RGB aux LEDs always had LVP in all aux modes.

4) I don’t have the new TS25.

I just received my production TS25. I can only answer the first question: YES. How would I go about measuring your requested values?

river345, suggest you read the updates I posted here: