Interesting new Small Sun Side Clicky lights at DX today

SmallSun ZY-T11

SmallSun ZY-T29

Looks like T11 has a charger port too. Pity, I never trusted charger lights and would like to have the one with clip.

The only problem could be te “no mode memory”.
If that means it always goes to the high mode, it is not so bad.
But i had a Small-sun zooming light that always went to the next mode, and that is just terrible (i replaced the driver of that flashlight).

The Small Sun ZY-T29 is much cheaper than the Ultrafire UF-T50, wich is my favourite EDC flashlight at this moment.
But it has no magnet in the tailcap (sometimes that can be very handy).

What about Parasitic Drain and no lock-out on the ZY-T 29 but the ZY-T 11 has lock-out

Hmm, you saw that right. I’d pick the one with lockout. We need someone to have it and try to see the real drain on them.

I ordered last two hours of 3 x SmallSun ZY-T29 :wink:
I will tell you later.

Check the drain when you get it, I like the 29 better than the 11, if it had the 11 tail cap then it would look more like UF-T50

Aside from having tail lockout the quality if the T11 looks horrible. The T29 looks fantastic except for the lack of lockout. Sounds like a deal breaker to me until proven otherwise. Such a shame, Small Sun. :(

Have small sun not been reading this site?

Small Sun really makes some beautiful looking lights. I’m really liking the looks of either of these mentioned. I have a Small Sun ZY-T16 2x 26650 that also works great in 1X 26650 configuration, with a wonderful looking semi-shiney piano finish to it. Just a bit underdriven, but that’s fine since it isn’t a battery hog. I may purchase that T11 and also the Small Sun ZY-T03, which is very similar to the ZY-T16. Thanks for posting this.

Well, I was impressed with my SMALL SUN ZY-A629 which has true 4 brightness modes, a fw clicky and a seperate mode button. I was even happy with my weaker constructed SMALL SUN ZY-R13 , not to mention the impressive thrower SMALL SUN ZY-T13

I really have high hopes for these prices but still I wouldn’t buy another next mode memory flashlight ever again.

Educate me - why is there no tailcap lockout on the ZY-T29? Is it because the tail threads are not anodized? I really like the looks of the ZY-T29, but want the clip from the T11! Anxiously awaiting a review.


Precisely, Garry. The anodizing on the threads means that current is only being passed when the tail cap is fully seated and making contact with the bare aluminum of the battery tube. Give a slight twist and no more contact therefore no parasitic drain from the circuit.

You know, I just realized something. Just because the T29 can't lockout from the tail doesn't necessarily mean it can't lock out at the head. DX almost never takes apart more than the tail cap of lights for their photos. The tail threads might be bare so that it can accommodate longer protected batteries. A twist of the head might still lock it out. I really need one of these to test. :) I thought I was done buying lights for a while. Oh well.. :D

What about painting the threads so they don't make contact (or is that not really reliable)?


Paint probably wouldn’t last a single screwing on of the tail cap.

Ok, that's what I wondered. Is there no real "do it yourself anodizing" method that could work?


a wrap or two of teflon tape depending on looseness of threads. Just remember to wrap it so that the end finishes in same direction as your clockwise tightening. Obvious I know but you’d be surprised. :bigsmile: H)

Small Sun ZY-T29 for $13.06 at Fasttech

Awesome! Hey JM - check the pics out at FastTech. Non-annodized at the head. Also, the mode arrangement says "Mid,Hi,Low" at FastTech.


Anybody tried one of these?