US - Defiant "Super Thrower" 3C (New Model - +/-64mm Head XM-L) - Get To Home Depot Now!

Rectal-crainal inversion… I edited the post and added some bare-pill numbers. I was expecting a little higher with the bare pill… I wonder if they are not T6 leds?

Kind of what I thought too. More like T5.

Guys, I joined BLF after seeing y’all cited on both slickdeals AND fatwallet.

I also bought two of the December Defiant 550 Lumens lights from HD, and love them.

I am more into “floody” lights than throwers, because I find floody lights a lot more useful for 90%+ of what I use a light for.

HOWEVER, I am very interest in this new Defiant. lol

I’d love to see comparison beam shots between it stock and the 550 Lumens Defiant that I now own.

You guys rock!

Gary’s beamshots of the Mag2D versus the Defiant 550 were some of the most useful beamshot photos I’ve ever found on any forum and saved me a ton of time, deliberation and uncertainty. Old Lumens’ beamshots of this new Defiant, likewise, are extremely helpful.

Even though the display says $22.98, they ring up at $22.97
Also I saved 5% for using my HD card,
BTW, not everyone knows this, but if you are or were military, coast guard, or national guard you can save 10%. This goes for any item, anytime. This is true at both HD and Lowes

You mind buying a bunch & selling to fellow BLFs? I don’t think I have any at my local HD store… which is 80 miles away.

Thanks for your compliments! I could get a beamshot comparison posted IF I actually had decent weather and the time to actually do so! O-L's beamshots do look very representative of this light even though he says there was a lot of ambient light.


If you can wait ’till February 2, all HD’s will have them on display to be sold.

I saw it too. It is FEIT brand with aluminum body and zoom head. Has anyone tried this out yet? How does it compare to Defiant? 2@$25 seems a much better deal.

Hi folks, I bought 1 of these, has anybody considered putting a glass lens in?

I notice some rings in the spill on a whitewall shot with the plastic lens in and a perfect hotspot and corona with it out.

Maybe glass will be better?

Would either of these work? Not sure because thy are not flat.

63mm x 18mm

63mm x 12.6mm

Thanks for all the info on this light. I went to my local home depot after checking the inventory (yep 35 in stock), looked around a bit. None on the floor. However, I was able to locate the box on an overhead shelf near the flashlights.

I asked, and an associate came over, found a ladder and hooked me up with two. On the outside of the box it says something like “do not put on floor till promotional period beginning 2/4/2013”, fyi.

I have a bunch of smaller 3 pack Costco lights, a Fenix LD-20 (love it), a Preon 1, preon 2, and a streamlight pen light all in service right now, so this rounds it off for the big power!

Looks like some in Northern New Jersey decided to clean out 2 home depots of inventory. lol I did ask and two locations told me they were selling like hot cakes for over a week now. Folsk buying 2 or 3 at a time..i'll wait

Welcome to BLF! Come on in, take your shoes off, and join the conversations. :slight_smile:

Would you please post some pictures of beamshots?

Thanks, will do.

Ok, I'll try to get out tonight. I can't say what the range will be though, probably closer to 200 yards.

Well that will beat all the other beamshots put on this thread. LOL!

Here is a pic of the sleeve and dummy cell I made for this light. What a shame to put such a small cell in that big, long tube. The sleeve is 5 3/8” of 3/4” potable pressure pipe. The dummy cell is a 3/4” dowel cut at 3”. The screw is a 3” 6-32 (a 3” screw is really only 2 7/8”, maybe thaat’s why they’re called screws?) And for the other end is a T-nut, of course 6-32. The cell is an 18650 UF unprotected, I know, there goes my cred. Those T-nuts are useful in this application because the end of the screw is recessed inside of the dowel, leaving a flat surface for the negative contact area.

I just realized something! Not only was this light bought at Home Depot, but so were all the modding parts here. What is the world coming to.
BTW, that T-nut is a VERY useful item. Anyone reading this and does mods or repairs to their home or car should make themselves aware that they exist, in fact is a good idea to occasionally go to a good hardware store or HD or Lowes and look through the drawers of specialty bolts, nuts and hard to find items. Become familiar with what exists, just knowing what is out there can really help when you’re stuck for ideas on how to solve a problem. I know a T-nut has saved my butt more than once :smiley:

Great use of the T-nuts and dowel!

And the head of the screw acts like a button top on a battery. Nice

Just picked up another one of these tonight. Plenty left in my store. The workers were re-organizing the "seasonal sales" area setting up new displays for various items.
