I have been reading very many reviews on this website and I’ve came across these two below :
But I can’t decide which flashlight Is brighter / more reliable (quality) / etc.
If anyone owns one of these flashlights or knows Information about them - please post!

There was a recent thread with someone asking the exact same question, you should be able to find it with a search.

I have both and myself would recommend the Skyray king. It is very nearly as bright compared to the DRYs 30 second Turbo mode, is shorter, and carries 4 cells, so you fit 1/3 extra power in the same size body. I also prefer the side switch, and I like the fact that there is no internal battery carrier. The batteries are also wired in parallel so it is a safer set-up than the DRY.

The only real benefits that the DRY has are that it has more lower modes, an automatic step-down to a more sensible level (so it can be left to light up a room without overheating), and less noticable PWM.

Both have been reliable, but I blew 2 drivers on the DRY when taking tailcap current measurements, so don’t do that with it unless you are extremely careful not to slip. I also had to replace one of the LEDs as it burned out, but that may have just been a freak occurance.

Overall, I would say the King wins hands down if you can find a good one for under $45. Which you can at fast-tech and aliexpress etc.

I think I seen that thread as well, but I needed someones opinion on these two (dry vs srk).
I know cnqualitygoods sells genuine/real SRK (s), but what other website do? (I thought fast-tech sold mimic/clones? or am I wrong?)

It’s not quite so simple as ‘real’ and ‘clone’, as there are different iterations from the same factory and the same version will often have different brand names stamped on it.

For example the original fandyfire UV-S5 on DX is a genuine skyray king, but now there are even different versions of that one. There are a number of indications of how ‘genuine’ one is, such as the print of the logo, the ratio of deep to shallow heatsink fins, the centering rings used on the LEDs, the lanyard and box it is supplied with/in, the quality of anodization etc.

The key one to look for is the driver though, make sure you get the ‘three-toroid’ one, which all the fast-tech models seem to have.

If you want a certifiable original king though then the safest place to buy from, to be absolutely sure, is cnqg/fancyflashlights.

ive had both… i prefer the king over the dry

I didn’t know all that (what you just told me)
I don’t know much about flashlights, but I have read some sky ray kings can be half the power of the genuines)
If I do order one : I’ll be sure to get It from CNGG / Fancyflashlights / Fast-tech.
Thank you very much for helping me!

welcome to blf!