A Perfect Dedome?

What exactly do you mean by burnt? Any contaminant could cause problems on the exposed phosphor, like a metal shaving for example. Think that happened to me wayyy back, once.

Part of phosphor turned black and it was smoking . I really don’t know what happened. The emitter was running fine 3 days ago that i built the flashlight.

Hhmm, might have been some stray thingie falling on it. Pretty sure others have seen it happen from time to time - the part where the particle rests gets black. Maybe if not noticed, the spot gets bigger and bigger. I got some dedomed XM-L2 lights that have been fine for years, lightly used though.

Third emitter in 7 days :frowning:

2 x xml2 u3 1a
And the V6 0D …

The xmls they just stopped emitting light without any clue…

That is strange. Seeing as it’s happening with multiple emitters, I would first look at your method.

Are you removing the complete stars from existing lights/hosts and then re-installing once the emitters are de-domed?
If so, you might want to make sure that you are using new/proper/adequate thermal paste/adhesive to reinstall (and not reusing the old stuff).
I have de-domed emitters of the same type and bin as the ones you mention, and they are all running fine in various different hosts.
The only problem I’ve run into is tint-shift.

I was able to successfully dedome a XP-L V6 1A in acetone some days ago. Now I tried to dedome a XP-L V6 3D in acetone as well but it failed. The outer part of the dome fell of fast, but the silicon directly over the light emitting area stayed left, roughly shaped like a pyramid. Even leaving the LED in acetone over night didn’t change anything.

Is this what happens when trying to dedome V6 0D, which is said to be difficult?
Does Cree use different mixtures of silicone (to achieve different tints) which don’t dissolve equally?
Any hints?

That’s what happens to V6 0D Mike. I have on order V6 1A to test now .

Yea, same thing here - pyramid shape, same exact thing on a V6 0D. Mine came out well after slicing and scraping.I got the ZEP stuff on the way - it's been shipped. Interesting the 3D had the problem.. Probably just new batch, new production method.

So are people just having this issue with solvents or with hot too?

As far as I know and was told the hot dedome method has the same problems. Mitko and others said.

But I'm pretty confident the super chemical I got coming will work: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Zep-Aerosolve-2-Solvent-Degreaser-/201656635373?_trksid=p2352135.m2548.l4275

Yes, fingers crossed, but behind my back

Fingers crossed …

I’m going to try something on an XHP70…. it better not kill it

Will you put this solvent in a jar with the led?

Hhhmm, good Q - dunno. I'll figure it out. Earlier was posted, maybe just cover it barely?

Let us know the method & results.

I just put about a quarter inch of Aerosolve II in a glass. Spray it outside as the smell is potent right at first. I find that I can bring it inside after a few minutes. I put the star in face up and let it sit for 15 minutes or so, then swirl gently until the dome floats off. You may have to leave it in a bit longer to get rid of any residue left on and around the dome. Works great on XM-L2 and XP-G2 S4 2B. Going to try other emitters this weekend.

Well as some of you would expect the V6 0D is not a good candidate for dedoming with Aerosolve II. The dome itself came off nicely after about 20 minutes but whatever it is they attached to the phosphor is stubborn and refuses to come off. Five hours later and there is still a slight dome of material over the emitter. I will leave it overnight but I’m not hopeful at this point.

Dang, got my can of Aerosolve II today - no time to try it yet. Still, it will nice to do regular easy ones in 15 mins or so. Hope the smell is better than gas. Been getting some complaints in the house from the boss

Like I said, spray it outside or in a garage. After a few minutes it is bearable. I notice a solvent smell when agitating it but other than that it’s not terrible. Hope your boss approves. :wink:

You mean wife? :slight_smile: