NEW Xtar H1-H2-WK40-WK41-WK42 Arriving today

All new EDC series from Xtar and headlamps
H1 & H2 feature a secondary red led lamp
WK series will operate on either disposable or Li-Ion batteries

THESE ARE ARRIVING TODAY I will have them available for sale later today after they are delivered.


put 18650 version and i’m sold :bigsmile:

Now in stock and available for sale. Very nicely built

Low mode lumens?

....found it for the H1 on your site. 3 lumens. Not great, but acceptable. It looks like it has anodized threads. The option of AA & 14500 is great.

Specifications are taken from Xtar’s site.
The little I have played with one indicates it is higher quality than Xtar has had in the past.

Output will vary with battery type.

Several out the door, thanks guys.

I received a few days ago XTAR WK41.
I can only say good things about it.
Here my review if anyone wants to discuss it;

Review WK41

I really like how the headlamps have fins all the way down the body. It’s the first I’ve seen in a headlamp and I think it’s a really great design. I know that my headlamp (ultrafire UF-H6) when left on high for over 5-10 minutes the whole body is hot.

These are good solid lights at a decent price. They are actually selling better than expected. Get em while you can.

I think that model will be “Sirius 186” :beer:

And “Commander 186” :beer:

I could not get a 16340 to fit in my H2

What brand 16340 ?

Please. For the WK41 I am using non protected Xtar 14500 (work perfect). but, Can you tell me some 14500 Protected that work on it?
I tried Nitecore NL187 and Zebra14500, but do not work.

I have used Keepower, Eagletac & AW They fit fine. I have found that there is a lot of variation in the dimensions on all these batteries and sometimes one will be tight and others fit perfectly fine.

Trustfire protected flames. Do you sell any that do fit?

Currently I stock Keepower, cells are made in Japan.

can’t really match the Prices out of China on trustfire and have not found a good source (trustworthy) on them. I’m pretty sure Xtar brand cells are the same thing.

Can you check these ? I will order 4 if they do fit!

I don't see any Keepower 16340??

Ya the Keeppower 14500’s I have wouldn’t fit except one of them |( . I’m now using the xtar unprotected 14500 and they fit with about 1mm to spare.

Just topped off a keepower, It fits and functions perfectly. :bigsmile: