Introducing XinTD X3 XM-L2 3*AA Flashlight

You could ask to borrow thier laptop. Salvage the cells and return it. Then not answer your door or phone calls for a couple weeks

Slewflash: I will go a step further and recommend giving throwy warm white lights a try.

I have a hard driven 3000k WW xpg2 p60-sized light I nabbed off a far more talented BLF family member. It’s fantastic. I love it. It can’t quite hang with bigger xml throwers, but its a great pocket thrower. A lot of lights use the term pocket thrower, but this one really is one.

The CRI is excellent. It’s really cool to light up wooded areas with. Browns and greens are way more vivid than a 1c by comparison. Cool whites look harsh and washed-out by comparison. The warm white is much easier on the eye. If you like incan spotlights you should have some idea what I am getting at.

Leds, batteries, and drivers have reached the point where they are damn bright! even in the warm tints from lower flux bins. (Now heat is the issue!) Sure, you sacrifice a bit of output compared to the top flux bin… but well-driven warm white xpg2 & xml2s are still damn bright generally speaking. Think back 5 or 10 years and it can be kinda mind-blowing.

So… yeah… looking forward to this bad boy with the 6A. I think it will be purdy shweet.

Or, you can get the best of both worlds with a dedomed CW emitter :slight_smile: Great throw, neutral white (but has a slight yellow tint to it).

Hi Hank,

This looks like a very nice well constructed versatile flashlight. I love the form-factor! Per the email I sent you, a low voltage boost driver would be perfect in these types of applications. When you have a chance, please reconsider. Maybe you could check with your manufacturers and see if they can come up with one. It does hurt to ask, right? :bigsmile:

I have to agree with FlashPilot. Anyone looking to run this light on NiMH will run into low drive issues with the QLite driver. Even AA Alkalines are going to sag quickly. Having a boost driver to keep the current at 2.8-3A for the entire cell discharge would definitely be a huge selling feature. The driver itself would sell rather nice too :wink:

What boost drivers are on the market now that might be applicable?

Show off now!!!

Pricey….for 35 i would buy it at once :wink:

I understand its quality made, but for 45 you can get Skyray Kung…heck even for 38…

Ordered. 4-mode WW (just hoping it won't be too warm for my taste)

really close to posting my t13 mod up for sale to get this...

same one, 4 mode WW. not a tint snob, just never had a hi cri

edit: not sure anyone would want to buy a xre aspheric thrower at 200+ kcd though

Wow! This thing supports a 18650 too! What would be the expected runtimes on a 3*AA and 18650?

yessir. I got a hot rod warmish/neutral de-domed xpg2 18650 aspheric from another awesome builder. :slight_smile: its more powerful than the pocket thrower I mentioned, and throws like a mutha! like all aspherics the beam is, erm, kinda different… but even with that aside, still like the WW xpg2 CRI better. de-domes are cool though.

Best of both worlds is one way seeing it… The worst of both worlds is another way…

If we are talking about XM-L, we are starting with a LOW CRI emitter, 65. Then you decrease the lumens, usually more than 1 bin, and risk getting inconsistent results in terms for how the tint end up being.
The real deal will have better CRI and on top of that, it could have better output and tint.

The only benefit with de-domed emitters are extra throw, and going away from CW tint without buying a new emitter, otherwise there are mostly downsides compared to a proper NW emitter. Especially compared to a higher CRI version.

I saw the tint on dedomed XPG2s (TN31mb) and I have got to say those are really yellow. Even more so than a dedomed XML2.
And after looking at some of my recently taken beamshots between XML CW and XML2 CW dedomed, I am starting to think the CRI is higher on the CW.

For those who are not too familiar with the tints and have heard lots of good talk about emitters with 80+ CRI, or want to try out something warmer… I say give them a go…
But I just have to say that the T3 6A is a bit special. Its the least WW emitter there is. But its quite red-ish/rosy. More than most! Some may like it, but if we draw a green line between yellow and red, calling that the “neutral sweetspot”. Then most emitters are either a step towards yellow or red. The 6A1 is quite far from the typical green line that most emitters are around. Making the color a bit “rosy”.

Personally, I think its too “rosy” in the color. Some may like it though. Its just personal preference.

tint snob… :stuck_out_tongue:

All CW XM-Ls are 65 CRI.
CRI has nothing to do with an emitter having a hint of yellow, red, or whatever color.

So you’re saying dedoming an LED has NO effect on CRI?

Someone with more knowledge on that subject have to answer if you want a correct and technical answer.

My guess is that it stays the same, or that it could get slightly lower due to the dedoming process. I don’t see how it could improve, but then again, my knowledge on phosphor and such is close to zero.

My personal experience with de-domed XM-L CW or NW emitters are that they are not quite on level with the real deal in terms of tint and CRI.

I also think de-doming involves a little tint-lottery in terms of how the color ends up being, and that lottery is not that consistent.
I also think that if you start with an emitter that is above the “green-line i made”, say 1C you are very likely to end up either a little above, or quite above after the de-doming. Which could result in a low CRI NW yellow-green-ish-looking-wannabe-3C-NW-emitters. Certainly not the best of both worlds even when they turn out ok.

Have you ever heard of owners of NW 4500K Nichia 219 (92 CRI) de-doming in order to invent a WW emitter that is closer to 100 CRI? I have not, guess there is a very good reason for it too. I doubt dedoming have a positive effect on CRI. Otherwise manufacturers would just de-dome emitters in order to get better CRI, which they don’t. :wink:

Worrying about CRI with a de-domed LED... what next, 'help me pick the floodiest aspheric'? lol :D

Ordered. 4 mode NW. I like the form factor + AA compatibility + the XinTD C8 v4 is great. So glad I cancelled my D40A order from FT. Can’t wait to get this one.