An ingenious new light "bulb" at Home Depot

I thought this was ingenious, looks like a light fixture but is actually a 1 sided bulb! Too bad they are so pricey. :frowning:

It was designed to screw into a plain porcelain ceiling light fixture and screws flush with the ceiling. In other words, you screw this whole thing into a light socket and it looks like a ceiling fixture. NICE!

This second pic is of one of them on display, lighted, on a panel. They would normally be screwed into a ceiling fixture. To the left of the lit bulb is the back side of another to show that it would screw into a porcelain fixture

Here I took off the globe, too bad is made of vinyl. It will probably yellow with age.

The “star” and it’s emitters.

And once again, how it would look after it is screwed into the porcelain socket on the ceiling

Its very fixture specific and rather pricey as you say, but its an interesting idea

When its discontinued in a few months because of lack of uptake should be able to get it for a fraction of the price

My thinking EXACTLY

Slightly disassembling products on display… :bigsmile:
Thats not familiar to me at all.

let us know if you see it on clearance, i may get a few

It will be the way of the future.

Cree’s LED Replacement For the 75-Watt Bulbs You Can’t Buy Anymore

Not familiar to me either:

“Hi, can I help you with something?”
“Not really.”

Nice and easy garage light upgrade. The old bare bulb in a porcelain socket is pretty ugly in a finished garage.

My (sad) experience in the rental house business led me to house repair/remodeling/rebuilding and finally house selling; kitchens and bathrooms sell to women buyers, garages speak to male buyers.

You were right, I got some for 8.93 each. Approximately 1/3 the price

Hey now we re talking. I hope my hahaa them on sale too. I only need one, and it’s thegarage

Nope just checked,still $19.99