Opus BT-C3100 V2.0 "Dreamcharger" GROUP BUY Now @ $ 36. New coupon code - tatasal -(to close July 15) NOW CLOSED

Thanks for the tip but it’s a no go for me as I use a dumb phone… :frowning:

Exactly the ones I showed in the pictures. Two Nimh Energizer AA’s and a cheapo 18650 cell. I set the standard 500ma for charging. It’s ok to charge Nimh and Li Ion at the same time, right?

I like package buddy for package tracking on android. :slight_smile:
it auto checks the packages you enter every so often, and gives you a notice on your phone :slight_smile:

Can someone summarize what has been fixed in V2? I’m sure the info is buried in this thread somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.


I tried Package Buddy, but it doesn’t track China Post, which is pretty common with AliExpress sellers.

Nimhs cell heat up at the last segment of the charging process, triggering the temperature sensors and the fan. Maha recommends a minimum of .5C charging rate for Nimh. So 500ma charging rate is too low if the cell you are charging is a 2000mah cell. The charger will not terminate properly and will heat up your cell higher and longer than if they were charged at 1A or .5C. (2000mah X .5 = 1)

I don’t have mine yet, but I’ve read that anytime the internal temp of the charger reach 40c, the fan activates automatically.

Yes, you can charge Nimh and Li Ion together, or even discharge while the other bay is in a different mode, and different charging/discharging rate.

The switch look quite fragile. Not sure how long can it last. I don’t think it is durable. The designer should improve this.

Considering that it wasn’t designed to be easily accessible in the first place, switch durability probably wasn’t on his mind. It would be interesting to know why it was even designed with a switch, since it could’ve been jumpered to the target voltage setting and saved them a few cents per unit.


Mine should arrive this week…whew!

4 days and still processing when i ordered expedited shipping…zzzzz

im debating cancelling my order at this point.

2 days since I ordered, hopefully it ships soon

Gearbest read this thread. You will be attended to in a few hours. Monday’s business hour has just started now. It should be out in within 3 business days.

Hello jmpaul320,

Could you PM me with your order number?

6 days after my order is still under processing! :open_mouth:

Mine was ordered the 9th, shipped the 13th. 1 day quicker than the two F13 lights ordered from Gearbest (ordered the 9th, shipped the 14th).

Hello my9221,

Please just kindly PM to me with your order number, thanks.

Please check pm thanks!

Mine arrived 15 mins ago.

All good. They even noticed I am from down under an included a socket adaptor which inverts the phase because everything is opposite on this side of the equator. Jokes, but they did include an adaptor.

FYI: orders of this charger is currently 233 units

Tatasal, what happens when we hit 300 orders, price drop?