Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

Sorry, didn't envision that part, just the ensuing race and noisy chaos...

Ha ha. This tread is interesting. I want this light so badly now.

I’m (#144) already down for one marked “np” assuming that is no preference. If the list matters please put me down for a second and mark one CW and one NW :smiley:

+1 for last mode memory.If it currently doesn’t have it,what does it have?Not the universally detested next mode memory J)

This light ticks an awful lot of boxes but I think getting rid of next mode,if it is next mode,is a priority for many.

Thanks for getting it unglued guys 0:) .

Shall I reserve a second one?Go on then,CW this time.Billy X 113a or where ever.

I have 2 ideas:

1. Driver with more GROUPS that can be changed as Eagletac does: press quickly 20 times to change group

2. Memory mode, but the light resets to moonlight-first when tailcap lockout

Please start from lowest brightness to highest.
No need to blind myself when it is dark and I just need a little light.

Do I need to state the number of light I am buying now?

Even without mode memory and other modes it still going to be a great flashlight.
I want to thank everyone standing behind this groupbuy for making it happen.
Great job guys!

It will NOT be next mode memory :cowboy_hat_face:

oh well at least same as my DQG 26650 always start on low :wink:

Some people need single mode lights.

Hell Yeah!!!

How possible is it to have 2 different set of modes? Tighten or untighten the head for 2 different set of modes.

It takes a completely different design to accomplish what you suggest. The primary goal of this group buy is to keep the price point at or below $20. The light can be bought as is right now for 18.83 or something like that. If you want to fancy it up with head twists for modes you can look for that price to soar.

The only light I have that works as you suggest cost $94.

Oh my that is too much for my wallet :zipper_mouth_face:

I would hope memory is a end user selectable option (soldering a “star” or cutting a trace). I would much prefer the light start on moonlight and go up (remember my true preference is for it to start on high going down) but I’d rather compromise and have it start on low going up than have memory we can’t disable. I only own 2 lights with memory, I almost universally hate memory (and I’m using off-time based last mode memory, on-time and/or next mode would be horrible) and those 2 lights have very specific uses.

Like Dale I have dozens of lights I have built exactly how I want and swap drivers 3 minutes after they get here, with this light the factory drivers are one of the biggest appeals for me, tho I have a very specific set of options of what I would like best as long as some basic’s are met I’m more then happy to compromise on the list of spec’s but it must have a option to disable memory, I was under that impression this whole time (guess. Just figured since the current stock light is no-mem) and would probably back out (or atleast down to just one or so as a host) if it wasn’t an option.

Please make sure memory can either be disabled by us or its something we can specify when ordering, memory would kill this for me. :frowning:

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is an extremely well built smallish light. The actual driver and user interface are of less importance than the lights capabilities due to it’s excellent build.

My Fenix TK61 is pulling 7.2A and making 1611 lumens. The X6 I am giving away pulls 6.87A and makes 1618 lumens. Can you get a Fenix TK61 for $20? Granted, the X6 makes 83Kcd to the TK61’s 565Kcd… the big light has a definite real estate advantage. :wink:

I couldn't wait - ordered one from BG... Since it will be modded, the LED and driver don't matter.

Are X6 hosts still going to happen?

I would order a stock one today if I could be sure it would come without GLUE.
…I don’t want a fight (and maybe damaged) to get it opened for mods.

I am all for the mode memory. Short of starting on automatically high for my intended purpose we would have to cycle through each mode to get there every time we use the light if we lack mode memory. Unfortunately, for work purposes this light would become negated without it. If I was a modder that would be a different story for my light but my coworkers that are going to get these as gifts do not mod.

Dale is correct that this a quality unit especially for the investment but usability for the masses (especially those that are not well versed in modding) is also something that I think is being taken into consideration here. All of those involved have done an excellent job at trying to put this together!