Code now public! BLF A6 FET+7135 Light. Short 18350 tubes and Unanodized Lights Available

bugsy, thanks for all your efforts on this one and the same for all of the people assisting. It’s a difficult task trying to ensure that we get the best possible outcome given the problems you’ve highlighted.

I wonder if they will have extra drivers left over after the group buy lights are built for sale. Then we can order some spare drivers to ship with our group buy order.

Lol I think bugsy is going crazy with this question being asked over and over.

There are no plans to produce extra drivers, and the leaders of this groupbuy are not interested in pursuing extras.

Yep. I think Bugsy should put it in the OP.
The thread is long, it’s been answered a few times but it will always get buried. And it will be asked again.

Does it look like they’re even trying, or are they just sending anything they have on hand to try to get you to commit to accepting a shipment?

Also, does anyone know what in Chinese translates as “DILLIGAS”?

Could be as simple as what you get when you eat too many dill pickles…

Edit: In regard to your initial question, surely they realize that we are a community that is direct communication throughout. Any manipulation to the original plan and shipped fraudulently would be discovered and disclosed almost immediately, resulting in hundreds of angry customers and a black listing of their product. I would like to think that almost any businessman, regardless of nationality or simplicity, would grasp that concept and behave accordingly.

They are indeed trying.
And recently it seems they are even working faster since Bugsy brought in “brand x”, the possibility of taking our sales elsewhere. :bigsmile:

The FET+1 drivers from EE were actually pretty close to what we asked for, just with some small changes which made them not quite as good.

In theory, the second round should have those changes reverted to get them back to the original spec, plus (hopefully) a small improvement that we figured out during testing.

Oh, a small improvement you say? :bigsmile:

Hey Bugsy, can we buy just the drivers alone?? covers head and runs out the door

How about a new rule, ask to buy just a driver and get banned from the groupbuy! Start with B42 #68 :evil: Feel free to move me into his spot.

Yeah but if we did that then there would be nobody for the GB. LOL

Honestly though, I would not be surprised to see an FET driver appear...if not from these guys from someone. I doubt it it would be this driver but most likely the "other" single FET driver. I just don't have an answer.

The thing to remember though, and everybody needs to really praise Kronos for his efforts, is that communication can be tough. One person speaks English but the next does not and THEN things get lost in the translations and THEN all hell breaks loose and THEN everybody understands and THEN we wait for the next time :) This is nothing compared to what Kronos did with the X6. I can only imagine and at the same time would not want to imagine it either :)

It drains the OTC faster to make the button timings less temperature-sensitive.

The resistor swap back to 19.1k?

I totally understand what you are saying about the translation issues. I just can not for the life of me understand why each of these Chinese manufacturers, or at least the dealers, do not have at least 1 Token English speaking employee.

Can’t tell me there are no transplanted Americans, British, Australian, etc. that live there.
Must come down to not wanting to pay a living wage.
Shame, because it could really help their business and make life easier for all parties.

On the other hand, maybe we need a well spoken Chinese person who is also fluent in English to become a Flashaholic and then we can employ their services on our end. :slight_smile:


Count me on for this one!

Yes, or so I’m hoping anyway. We didn’t find out that it helps temperature sensitivity until pretty late, so I’m not sure if EE got the update in time.

Less temperature sensitivity would be good, I wonder if I can make the same change to the driver I bought from Mountain Electronics.

I think Richard/RMM has always used 19.1k resistors in his driver…

Since a spelling error will make a difference when it is time for the PM’s please fix the spelling of my name at #228 you have it as Melvin, but it should be Melven.

