Interested as well, EC4GT, thanks…

My guess is that the Soshines are having a hard time keeping up with the demand, so the voltage has dropped considerably - requiring more amps to fuel the fire.

I.e., the KingKong’s are doing better. :wink:

EDIT: Check out HKJ’s battery comparator [link]

New product - Tube UV.

I was hopping for an aluminium shell version with NW LED.

+1 AL shell w/NW LED!

Hi Freeme,
Can I have a link and code for UNI-T UT210E please?


Some updates:

  • - Don't buy -
  • Manufacturing process for Particle is SLOOOoooow. I was told like 2xx/month rate for global supply.
  • No news from supplier for NC EC4GT yet.

Hmm… any teaser pics of this quad Manker? Even tomorrow is tough to wait for!

I see myself getting that Manker soon. quad 219B :heart_eyes:

PM please: MANKER Quad Nichia 219B/ XP-G2

:wink: Sure you’ll have an excellent introductory offer.


Interested in the quad! Post more info :wink:

PM please on Manker Quad! Wowsa!

This upcoming quad will be branded astrolux or manker?

OK, you guys may have already seen it in the other thread. Product will be launched in both Astrolux and Manker version. They look identical but I am not sure if they are fitted with the same engine.

I’m interested in MH10C.

You mean MT10C?

MH20GT is on presale status.

PM please: MANKER Quad Nichia 219B/XP-G2!!


Edit: Ordered :smiley:

PM please
MANKER Quad Nichia 219B/ XP-G2
