18650 recomendation for flashlight

Hi to everyone.

I have an XM-L U2 and a T6. I would like to buy batteries for them but confused. Simply, which type of batteries (IMR etc, may be direct link from ebay or AE) and mAh do you recommend? I would like to carry min. quantity but have long running hours beside.


Mtn electronics

Ask RMM he will set you right.

What is your location ?


Thanks for your reply. I have found this one. What do you think?


i think those are good cells …gearbest has had them on sale for about 16$ for 4 …
you might want to consider the Lg he4’s from gerbest at 4$ each it’s a seriously good price on a great cell too . either or both …:slight_smile:

What is the difference between HG2 and HE4 ? Or better, what should I look for within the specs. For example mAh; HG2 is 3000 and HE4 is 2500. So doesn’t HG2 better? Both have Max. Charge Current: 4000mA and Max. Discharge Current: 20A. What is the measure for long running?