CN is China

CA is Canada

Source : http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/country_code_list.htm

Ohh, ok. Couple of other tweaks in V1.4:

  • changed temperature step down default from 52 to 54 (though this is rough since calibration between temp sensors in the MCU cay vary a good deal)
  • was gonna change exiting of strobe by click&hold to last ramping level. TK suggested a dbl click but I thought click&hols was more consistent with thte UI as it is
  • found kind of a bug recently - when in configuration settings, you have only 1 second or so between clicks, otherwise it times out, accepts your entry and goes to next setting. I found this can be a little tight, so was gonna extend it t maybe 2 secs

I was hoping more feedback from the next round might either uncover more bugs, or changes suggested as a result. It's all good though - V1.3 is pretty stable so far.

I don’t know, obviously. This is Tom’s firmware after all. But, I would think that if you want to get the absolute longest run time, you should leave in all 4 cells and put the light on the lowest mode.

Oh gosh I hope I am only missing it, but ehm, is there a reset to default?

Tom E, I have tried to read and find the answer to the following question; but can’t seem to locate it. :person_facepalming:
Soooo, I’ll just ask. :slight_smile:

  • Is there a “timed step down” and a “temperature step down”??

Answer to Q's:

Oh, dunno bout the one cell vs. 4. If you set high level, then the single cells will voltage cell, and LVP trip sooner.

Sorry, no - no reset to factory defaults. Was I supposed to implement that? Sounds familiar, but can't recall if you asked me to do that - might have and I forgot

For time and temp, yes it has both, but you choose one or the other. You have a choice of times, and for temp step down, you can leave as-is for the temp which is 52C factory setting (not calibrated per light though), or you can set it yourself - the light will run on max and you click when you reached a temp you want to start the step down at.

Comparisons of the two pouches:

Shows the 4" vs 4.5" depth

closed up:

Differences in labels. Shorter pocket one on left, longer pocket one on right:

no no it was not asked but with all the options could be useful so one knows what are the settings
but it is clear, Djozz will do a nice overview so it will even more clear so there is no need for it :slight_smile:

Hey guys!

sorry for the late answer (was in italy for a week)

i will get you some nice deals for the recommended cells ;)

Ok guys, please put me on the list :slight_smile:

Thank you Tom for the clear and concise answer. :+1: … :slight_smile:

Good choice……… :smiley: … :+1:

It seems all button top 30Q’s are already sold out at BG at the moment :wink:
They were available this morning, well lets wait for Martin his deals!

I might be able to get Jon at Liionwholesale to make up 30q button tops for US customers at a special deal. I will call him and ask. If he is willing, I can set up an interest list.

Just been skimmin’ through this thread…(I know, it’s been posted up for over a year) Has the Q8 been bumped up to 6000 lumens?

Or DALE, you must be talkin’ bout a modded Q8?? :sunglasses:

Well with good cells the stock Q8 comes pretty close to 6K, but officially it still is 4K, better under specify and see more right?

well, I got a set of VTC6’s coming, might as well try a solder boobjob on them :wink:

sign me up for one, please

Is it done yet!!


Will update list later!

don’t know, China is on holiday, no news so we don’t know when the prototypes are send and we only know if these can be called samples if we have them in our hands and only then it is getting done :wink:

You must be a plastic surgeon. I hope the scars aren’t visible.

trying to decide on cup size
would that affect performance…or just resale value?