Sofirn SP10 Pro (AA/14500/Andúril 2) - now available!

Does the battery check function work with AA cells or only with lithium ion?

It reads nimh AA voltage. The range is only a few tenths though on cells like that

If you found the difference between versions would you be so king to shortly describe it please?

This article should help. It helped me.

A Google search of anduril vs anduril 2 also helped.

Thank you for your help, I’m more or less clear about Anduril versions, I thought you were talking about versions of the SP10 Pro flashlight. So to be clear, you only talk about Anduril versions, and not physical versions of SP10 Pro. Im I right?

hey guys, question.
Did anyone bought the magnetic tail for SP10 pro?
My magnetic tail doesn't work.
The spring is just a friction fit, no solder. The magnet is held by some weak glue/tape.
I tested tail with multimeter, and there's continuity between the spring and the tube contact place.
Then I tested the tail with the tube, and there's no continuity between the spring, and the tube end.
So it seems, that the SP10 pro tube, just doesn't make any contact with the tail.

I just looked at it one more time, and the original tail, when screwed, leave small gap between the tube lip, and it.
But the magnet tail, just screws till it hit that lip, and then it can't go any deeper.
So the problem is that the magnet tail is too long, on the thread side, and just hit the anodized tube lip, without making any electrical contact to the tail.

As in the pictures above, there is original, and magnetic. Orginal bottoms out on tail, and make contact. The magnetic bottoms out on the tube lip, and doesn't make a contact with the tail.

Does anyone have the same problem?

I have three with magnetic tail caps and all of them work well and none screw down all the way to the lip. I think you may have a defective cap

kokosnh, have you put the spring below the small flap under which is placed the magnet, or did you put the spring above that flap?
If it doesn’t sit below that flap the issue may be a very tall magnet!

@shirnask So I see I'm again unlucky, eh...
Ps. I have the no glued version of the sp10 pro.

@MascaratumB the spring is OK, it sits in it's place.

The problem is elsewhere, as the tail cup just hit the tube lip, and I can't screw it deaper, to make the contact with the tail...

I was looking for information on how the light operate. Not the flashlight itself.

If you’re looking for a comparison of the SP10V3 VS SP10 Pro, This may help.

Thank you for helping me. I thought there were two hardware versions.

Tried a quick search but couldn’t find the answer. Is there any nylon belt holster for the SP10 pro?


I had to order through liionwholesale. Illumn only accepts PayPal.

Thanks for the links.

Hi Jackie or whoever else Sofirn employee is there. Any idea why you are not producing a 2700K version of the SP10 Pro? You could do a limited run and see how much demand there is for it, I am sure quite a few of us are waiting for such a version. A red SP10 Pro in 2700K with 90CRI, I am sure I would buy in a heartbeat!

A slightly shorter version with TIR and 1x 519a would be awesome.

Did a quick swap to 519a 4500K

Much nicer. Still considering a dedome, but it might be too pink for me at that point.

Just a smooth reflector would be fine too.

Short head, short tail, and it would make a good EDC. It’s too long to sit comfortably in my pocket. So yes, a TIR and a flat tailcap would be welcome.

Does the colors look like the pictures in person or slightly altered?

If you want to learn how to do the LED swap yourself, here is a photo album showing the process:

You can also hire someone to change the LED for you.

It is not very pink… here is the difference

Dome On:

Dome Off