
I’m holding back til the xhp50.2 releases.


All replied.

Hi what exactly is the SST40 color temp? Is it 5000k or the 5700 version?

Same again, did not receive the code(s). Can you please send me the information? Thank you.

just now I get my March C8 XHP 35 HI (21700) a very well manufactured Flashlight, with a clear, beautiful CW.
But there is a problem, the batterytube has a diameter of 21,6mm, which is very tight, so my Sofirn and LiitoKala batteries do not fit. :frowning:
Does anyone have an idea which batteries could fit?

Unprotected cell with OEM wrapper for 21700 is preferred.

Thank you!

I just ordered some Samsung INR21700-40T 4000mAh - 35A, I think they will be good.

Would anyone be so nice and could explain to me how I can set the individual groups.
My English is not so good that I can understand what is meant with:

>through the 3 stars on the back of the short circuit, you can set them to<

What is meant with 3 stars and what is the back of the short circuit?

Thank you!


The XHP35 boost driver does not have the 3 stars on the driver, thus no mode groups. Only the 7135 drivers have the 3 extra mode groups, like the XP-L HI and XM-L2 versions.

Now I understand, thank you for the explanation!
Kind Regards

I still didn’t receive any code. Freeme, are you ignoring me for some reason? :-(

Sent PM, I would like a code


Can you please tell me why you keep ignoring my requests, Freeme?

I have now asked three times in this thread for sending me the code - no answer.




I have sent you a PM about it, kindly asking what’s wrong - no answer.

Received my black and sand lights.

+1 [quote=liteupmynite]

Received my black and sand lights.


Still available

Interested in C8 21700 model