(AMZ US) $38.49 for Sofirn SP36 BLF Anduril Quantity Limited===END

Is it possible to do the C8F bundle half-price again? Thanks

How about a deal on an SP10s kit or SP10s + C01s? Also have the C8T, SP-40, and D25 on my list! Thanks for asking!

Mine arrived in 24 hours as well. This is really a nice, solid light. The led selection was good as well. Mine came with the bezel not glued, not sure if that is standard or not. Needs the firmware upgraded, only has the single brightness in lockout mode.

Overall, love it! Think smaller Q8.

Thanks Sofirn.

Is your tail cap glued? Lanyard ideas?

Nothing seems to be glued. Lanyard… I do not see any good options. :frowning:

Check out the lanyard on the big honkin’ Teslacom.

(upper-right corner; image is clicky)

Love the light. What’s the next step up from this I could buy?

Sofirn… I don’t know if this has any cost impact for Amazon shipping, but this package without batteries was marked up as if it contained lithium batteries

Mine too.

Mine arrived with the battery shipping warning as well.

Mine was ordered without batteries and did not have the battery enclosed warning label.

Do you mean, as a thrower? I’m looking at the BLF GT Mini, various C8+, but I don’t know how they compare.

I just bought one of these a week ago (and I have not gotten over missing the deal #, but) I noticed mine also without batteries also had a battery label on the box.

It was suggested to learn some knots and make up a lanyard. Some good youtube videos on tying some surprisingly strong attachments. Google clove hitch or constrictor knot.

Paracord Strap for Flashlight, on Youtube.
Paracord Water Bottle Harness that might work.

Sofirn, if you’re still looking for the next offer. I’d like to see something on the sp40.

In answer to your question, if you are talking Sofirn’s, I believe it is the Q8 - it is really awesome. Others would have to comment about how much of a difference there is between the two (SP36 v Q8) - if you are into all the variations (UI, charging, LEDs) etc. I believe there is at least one BLF thread comparing the two - if I recall correctly. I have 3 Sofirn’s (I am new to the BLF experience) and they are all solid in build and quality.

Or an MT09R… :smiling_imp:

Wow - now I know what I want for Christmas! That would be a big jump for me as a newbie - will have to research safety for mere mortals.

Nah. Live on the edge…