LUMINTOP 10 years Anniversary Giveaway

thanks I'm in 1

Thanks for the giveaway Neal!
I jump in with my GT70 converted from a GT with the special kit. Picture made in heay fog behind my car so the red color is from the taillights :smiley:

I’m in

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Thanks for the giveaway!

I’ll be in :slight_smile:

FW3A sw45k (originally FA3 SST20), SS Bezel, deep clip
FW3A XP-L HI 3A (hacked clip after bending it badly, o-ring mod with about 2kg activation force)
GT Mini with Andúril and FA3 SST20.

Here’s mine!
Really love the FW3A 5000k XP-L HI and the Anduril UI

Thank you all who develop this lights

Tiny love TQ

this one! my grey edc

I`m in.

My work companion.

Thanks for the giveaway Neal and Lumintop!

Ti Tool AAA. Probably my favorite pocket light to date!

Couple of my toys! Thanks

Here is my small collection, i use the tool aaa copper most great light and tint but love the others too.

I’m in.
How do I attach a picture ? I’m using an iPad.

I uploaded to imgur then attached a picture with the URL


I’m in! FW3A and Copper Tool.