What You Got Today - 2020

I did exactly what was illustrated.


Same result

WHy is this so difficult?

It works fine, you are copying the wrong code to insert, from your picture copy the BBcode link

Should look like this
url=Screen-Shot-2020-04-14-at-7-05-16-PM hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB][/url <=== I removed the [] from each end

Then delete everything except “h ttps://i.ibb.co/c1G1bxG/Screen-Shot-2020-04-14-at-7-05-16-PM.png” <=== I added a space between https

then just put an exclamation mark at the beginning and end of the link !h ttps://i.ibb.co/c1G1bxG/Screen-Shot-2020-04-14-at-7-05-16-PM.png! <=== Again, I separated the https so the text shows




Look at post #14

Others MUST be having this problem. I remember struggling with this in 2011 occasionally.

Yeah, I saw it. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to delete or where I would ordinarily find what I’m supposed to insert

I am using a MacBook Pro


Read this

Looks like I just have to post the full HTML code. That’s the only way it works.

Anyways, thanks for the help.

You got it!!! :+1:

I can’t post pictures yet but I’m carrying a Acebeam TK16 today. Great little 3 led light and already has a nice patina on it.