Have you SEEN...the new Sofirn SF47?

What do you think about the tube design? I find it odd that the knurling only goes halfway up. Most of its use will be holding it how you would a side switch model and every now and then tactically. I don’t get why the knurling is non existent where it matters most.

Just after some thoughts before I make my video review.

I finished the beamshot footage last night, got inside at 4:30am. Compared the L21A, FT03 (SST40), SP70, and C8G since most Sofirn fans would have one. Not many throwers from Sofirn to compare. I found virtually no gain in range to the FT03, and the L21A was much better, but I knew that by having a larger reflector and driven at 8A.

I get 1160 on the SF47T and 1340 with the L21A.

I found a small firmware bug. double click to turbo in Outdoor UI, then hold for Tactical UI. It switches on in Strobe

First drop was at 48°C and it’s staying at 54°C with a lot of fluctuating. Not as badly as the SP33 V3 but it still needs tweaking, it’s unable to settle, it just keeps jumping up and down. You wouldn’t notice while using it which is what counts. Should have the runtime tests finished tonight. I’m aiming to have the review up by Thursday

I agree with you. Usually, the palm embraces the anterior part of the tube in tactically-held position - the part that is missing the pineapple knurling. I have not tried yet to reverse the tube but looking at the threads and tube wall diameter it will probably not fit the other way around.

Will check it on mine.

I hope to get my tests done very soon. Probably, the luxmeter (app) will reveal to what extent the output‘s amplitude is fluctuating. Maybe it will be in line with the SP35 ATR curve which was promised to be improved. Unfortunately, we need to wait a bit for SP35 to become available with ATR.

I’m pissed off. Used that ceilingbounce app and waited 4 hrs to complete a High run only to accidentally double tap the “stop test”. It overwrote the test :frowning:

I completed the Turbo run and thankfully saw the High test and the time it stopped so I’ll just create my own. High lasted 4 hrs 16 min, hit 47°C without any stepdowns, so that’s 4hrs 16min straight on High.

S**t happens, Funtastic. What app did you use for testing the output? I recently used one simply called "Lux Meter" and I was quite satisfied with it.


Good thing I saw the graph before it erased it. It looked exactly like this. I’ll just use this in my video review.

I use this app

As you can see it started to regulate once hitting 47°C for the first 2hrs and then seemed to settle. Room temp was 26°C with no cooling

My video review will be on youtube by tomorrow night. One thing that bothers me is the tint on the SF47T is very cool white, while the L21A is a neutral white. It almost looks like it’s being pushed too hard or isn’t cooled well. It’s a neutral white until you kick it into Turbo. I think I’ll remove the mcpcb and check the surface is flat. The thermal paste is spread out all around the mcpcb which is usually a good sign.

Maybe it’s just a different bin to Convoy’s CULPM1 but blue/purple has never been a good sign for these

Jacob, how satisfied are you with the focus / centering of the emitter? I am not sure if the reflector geometry fits to the CULPM1.TG. Instead of a concentrated spot mine appears to have a bit of a washed-out spot with some artifacts / blurred corona around it. It looks like the shape of an eye with eyelids around. Hard to explain but I will provide some shots anytime soon anyway. Mine seems to get a touch of coldwhite on turbo, too. But it's still okay, not being angry™blue.

Cheers, Thomas

Have you had a flashlight using these leds before though? The artifacts are four ovals overlapping around the hotspot, this is normal on the Convoy L21A, C8, and S2. The artifacts are worse if it’s not dead center and these centering rings aren’t easy to get it 100%

I’m glad you mentioned this. We don’t talk about these things enough. I was trippin when I got my SP36 and Acebeam L30. Maybe not because of artifacts but because of things like beam shape and tint shifts too. I know it gets mentioned here and there but not enough.

I would have never known that about the Osrams, and I’ve read plenty about it all over the place. I’ve also never seen this characteristic manifested in the many beam shots I’ve seen since they all look like perfectly round lightsabers. But I know I may have been uneasy if I got one and wasn’t aware of this.

Anyway, my main point was thanks. I expect to get one at some point soon and this helped a bunch.

Decided to take a look at the driver, here’s my photos

T shaped driver - 26.4mm

23.8mm MCPCB

Tail assembly

Reflector measurements

Depth (length) - 50.5mm
Top dia - 50.6mm
Led opening - 7.9mm

How do I use custom values in an excel chart? I’m having a lot of difficulty. I used a lux app and have the csv data, selected it and inserted a chart. How do you or can you rename and add different values to the chart, such as lumens instead of the lux value, or the time values to something readable like 0, 1hr, 2hr, etc

Are you having trouble reading the file?

If csv loads badly, check if you need to change the dot to a comma or remove the apostrophe.

So do we have 3.5h on turbo (1500lm) or not? ;))

It’s a bit of a no brainer when it comes to ANSI and how it’s measured. 7A current gets very toasty which would require a much, much larger host for continuous operation.

My test was at 25°C and achieved 3.5 min before hitting 48°C and stepping down. My video review will be uploaded today so you’ll be able to see what happens

Where can I find the review? So far SF47 looks like a miss.

I put it up against the FT03, C8G, Convoy L21A.

The FT03 matches it, the L21A smokes it.

Keep in mind that the 47T has a head diameter of 55mm which is smaller than those two.

The 47T is driven at 7A and the L21A is 8A,so it’s naturally going to be brighter with more range.

The best pro of the 47T is the runtime, UI, and price

Thank you for the review.

I’m not really understanding the target market for SF47. Utilitarian night guard duty? It’s confusing.