3 XM-L Module Bid For Charity

Well, as any of you following my 3XML Thread already know - the first professionally assembled modules are complete! I still have a very small amount of work to do on the software, but they're really close to being ready to go.

So here's the deal. There is one panel that was the very first one made. It has two Cool white T6 and two Neutral white T5 modules on it.

I'm going to give away one module off of that panel, and it will be the winners choice whether they get a Cool T6 or a Neutral T5.

How to play: Auction style, bid for charity. Which charity you say? Whichever one you want! As long as it's a recognized charitable organization and doesn't have a reputation for something crazy like supporting terrorism, then it's fine! Bid in this thread with nothing more than a dollar amount - you don't have to disclose the charity you would support unless you want to.

If you are the high bidder, you'll receive a module and a TIR Optic to go with it (you can pick Narrow beam, Medium beam or wide beam). I will pay for standard shipping to wherever you are (International is fine). Whatever you bid, you will have to donate that amount directly to your chosen charity and provide me with proof of the donation. Once again, I will not disclose your charity unless you want me to.

The auction will end promptly at Noon Eastern Time on Monday, May 28. The highest bid at that point will be the winner, and any bids after that time will not be counted.

GOOD LUCK and lets raise some money for a good cause!


I'll kick off, $20.01

Upping to $30

these things tend to end badly for me. lol. I have a friend who has crohns so that will be my charity



is local Red Cross OK?

40 for animal shelter.

Upping to 50, my charity of choice would be Doctors without Borders.

Thanks for bidding, and yes, the Red Cross is absolutely OK. They're one of the charities that I personally support every year, in fact.


$65 to the charity in my sig, or to the local no-kill shelter.

70 to the animal shelter.

Lets keep this on the front page till the auction is over. Speaking of which is there a set date that this will end?

Oh ok. Didn't see that. Thanks.

Come on guys outbid me so I can outbid you and the price goes up. :)

Wow, surprised the price hasn't risen more. Anyone wanna bid?

Looks like you're the lucky winner scaru!

Surprised no ones out bid me. Oh well.

Isnt it currently 26.05.2012 (saturday) 9PM in eastern time?

Yes it is but that isn't when the auction ends.

I dont get it, how can you be the winner if it isnt over yet? :P