So, who's the first that will make a LED light to reach a million lumens? Someone's got to go there. We all know that.That's only 250 of the XHP70 leds in one light, no problem.
I think DBCstm might beat us all there, but maybe he will do 100,000 lumen light first, just to tease us. That's only 25 XHP70 leds in a light.
Seriously, anyone planning to set any world's records for lumens? Does Guinness do world's records for LED flashlight lumens?
I thought you had already built this light last year? Was not that putting out 25 bazzillion Lumens? Found it.
I understand about the forgetfulness and only to glad to help. This light still brings tears to my eyes for more reasons than one. SB can close this thread now.
there is one that will be at CES2015 called the Crisis Intelligence Co. ALPHA-1 from Japan
there is not much information on it, but i over heard one of the reps talking about something like 1.8 million lumens(most likely chinese lumens)
Yep, anything getting close to those kinds of numbers could definitely do permanent damage at close range. I would not want to be on the receiving end if it.
1.8 million cd eventually, That’s a 50W LED in there, that would be 36000 lumens/watt, unfortunatly not happening within the frame of the physics law of our universe.