*what I am looking for is a driver (1A), analog input. I will take anything I can get.
BONUS:wide input voltage, no/very high PWM prefered,
Here is the explanation of what I intent to use this for: (skip this part if you want)
I have had a idea kicking around in my head for a while now about a custom room mood-light that uses the xm-l color, with the intention of tying to create a (relatively) simple custom color mixer, utilizing 4 drivers to independently control each die, with two potentiometers per driver (the second one for fine control), maybe logarithmic. A bonus would be a wide voltage input, so I can make it semi-portable (for reasons I don’t yet know why)
the buckpuck can’t be the only driver out there that can do this, I am willing to go with the buckpuck, but with a total of over $66 (fleabay), that is a big hole to bleed green from, just for the drivers (not including harnesses, in-case I want to reuse them) IDK if I will use the internal trimpot or not to go over one amp…
Search ebay for 'LM2596'. There are several versions, but the most common/cheapest one is CV only, not CC, but it does have a blank pad for a fixed limiting resistor, so no matter how far you crank the onboard pot it won't go over your setting. You can get a pack of 10 delivered for less than the cost of a single BuckPuck.
The onboard pot can be removed, and run jumper wires to a remote pot... and depending on the pot (single/dual) and how you wire it, turning one direction can increase one driver board while decreasing the other.