My first time on this site. I see a number of 10k lumen lights for sale on Amzn, ie Semlos, Gyhuego, etc. and I am just wondering if any of these are really any good. By that I mean are they well made, will last a long time, actually can be used without burning your hands, and so worth. It would seem they can perhaps be turned on for a couple of minutes and then due to heat you have to turn it off.
Don’t worry, nearly all of these lights actually run pretty cool. That’s because the listed lumens are shy and on any occasion 97% doesn’t show up.
OK, there are quite a few lights with real 10k+ lumens. In general these tend to be very large and despite the size they have a thermal stepdown after they overheat. I think there are lights that actually sustain 10k+, but only actively cooled. Not sure, these huge lights are not my stuff.
Don’t concentrate on lumens too much. What kind of light do you actually need? How do you intend to use it?
Thanks, just want something good and bright for an emergency.
Sorry, but can you post any link of those advertised flashlights?
Many Zoomable flashlights (cheappo) are advertised as having 10000 lumens, but most of them don’t even reach 100 or 1000!
Post some links to make a better “evaluation”
And welcome to BLF :partying_face:
If you want something good and bright for an emergency, you want something with a LOT of throw. That will give you that “spotlight” effect like when you look at the Luxor in Vegas. Something like an MF04, BLF GT, R90C. This would catch the attention of emergency aircraft from a distance.
If you’re talking about during an emergency so you can see in general, 5,000 lumens is more than enough. For looking around in general during an emergency, a proper moonlight mode is much much much more important. It’s your primary source of light and you want it running reliably as long as possible. Even .1 lumens is enough to see what you’re doing in the dark. Something like a D4S or a zebralight with spare cells would be better.
What kind of emergency? Is it meant to be used indoor, as a searchlight or otherwise?