10 emitter tints compared

Hello, took a family photo of most of my Hanklights with different emitters and I thought it might be useful for the BLF crowd.

Here are 11 lights with 10 different emitters. White balance was locked to 5000K.

Lights are labeled in the image, but just in case here is a list from left to right with a few extra details:

  • D1K MAO SFT-40 3000K, linear + FET driver
  • DA1K Grey SFT-70 3000K, Lume X1 driver with 10392 optic
  • D4SV2 Grey SFT-40 3000K, linear + FET, with 21700 tube
  • D4K Grey 519a 4000K Dedomed, Lume X1 driver
  • D3AA Grey 519a 4500K Dedomed
  • D4V2 Sand FFL351A 3700K, boost driver
  • D4K Grey FFL351RD 3700K, Lume X1 driver
  • DA1K Grey XHP50.3 HI 4000K, Lume X1 driver with 10394 default optic
  • D3AA Raw Ti FFL505A 3700K
  • DA1K Black FFL707A 3700K, Lume X1 driver with 10392 optic
  • DM11 Black SFT-40 5000K, linear + FET
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Excellent, congrats !

Does it really look that Green or is it just because it’s next to the other lights?

I see one I would not want.

Interesting to see that the SFT70 3000K is super rosy compared to SFT40, maybe even rosier than 519A 4000K dedomed. I’ve assumed that the SFT series all use the same phosphor…

All the ones I have don’t look green. They are noticeably rosier than the 6500K when compared side by side. Although at lower levels they do have higher duv so maybe that’s part of it.

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I took a follow up photo with my DM11 SFT-40 5000K next to my S6+ with the same emitter and it is noticeably greener. Definitely exaggerated in the photo but visible in person.

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There is just a tinge of rosiness with the SFT-70 3000K that I don’t see in the SFT-40 3000K. I really like the 70. Also have one in a Convoy S21G which has a nice wide hotspot with a lot of punch and good spill.

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The Sft-25r in 5000k is nice. I built a S21A quad and it’s bright and handy. Not as good as the 5000k xp-l HI though.